The districts of the Moscow region with the highest increase in prices for secondary housing are named

The leaders are the urban districts of the Moscow region Lotoshino, Silver Ponds and Taldomsky

The first place in the ranking of locations in the Moscow region in terms of price growth for secondary apartments in February 2024 was taken by the Lotoshino city district. In February of this year, the average price of 1 sq. m here was fixed at 57.2 thousand rubles. This is 6.1% more than a month earlier, calculated for RBC-Real Estate in the analytical center of Incom-Real Estate.

The second place was taken by the Silver Ponds district, where prices rose by 4.4% to 55.1 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. In the third position, Taldom city district with an increase of 4.3% to 130.6 thousand rubles per “square”.

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district took the fourth place (+2.4%, up to 90 thousand rubles), the city of Lukhovitsy closes the top five (+2.1%, up to 92.5 thousand rubles), the company clarifies.

Top 10 urban districts of the Moscow region in terms of price growth for secondary housing in a month

City district Average price of 1 sq. m. m in January 2024, thousand rubles. The average price of 1 sq. m. m in February 2024, thousand rubles. Dynamics of Lotoshino 53.9 57.2 +6.1% Silver Ponds 52.8 55.1 +4.4% Taldomsky 125.2 130.6 +4.3% Orekhovo-Zuyevsky 87.9 90 +2.4% Lukhovitsy 90.6 92.5 +2.1% Kolomna 97 98.9 +2% Shatura 65.8 67.1 +2% Zaraysk 67.8 69.1 +1.9% Shakhovskaya 88.3 89.7 +1.6% Mozhaisky 86.7 87.8 +1.3%

Data: Incom-Real Estate

Dmitry Taganov, head of the Incom-Real Estate analytical center, explains the leadership of G. O. Lotoshino by a combination of a number of factors: firstly, there is a small volume of supply in this location, combined with increased demand, this pushes prices up. In addition, prices in this area were initially low. This means that there is potential for greater growth than in more expensive areas of the Moscow region,” the expert explains.

According to the analytical center “Real estate market Indicators IRN.RU “, in February 2024, the average price of 1 sq. m. m in the secondary market of the Moscow region amounted to 154.6 thousand rubles. The growth compared to January is minimal — only 0.2%.

See also:

  • The cities of the Moscow region where housing has fallen the most in price over the year are named
  • Analysts named the cities of the Moscow region with the largest increase in housing prices
  • Experts named Moscow’s satellite cities as leaders in housing price growth

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