In the Republic of Cyprus, local residents are mainly engaged in tourism. And what professions are in demand on the island among foreigners? About the specifics of employment in Cyprus, requirements for applicants, the best cities to work in, popular vacancies and salaries — in our large material.
The attractiveness of the Cypriot labor market
In Cyprus, marketers, targetologists, site administrators of travel agencies, hotels, sightseeing tours, spa treatments are in demand. But there are not enough qualified personnel. Therefore, now the labor market on this island is more open than ever for foreigners, including those with minimal knowledge in the field of IT.
Here are some more advantages:
- The income tax on the first €19,500 earned by an individual is 0%.
- On the island, you can do without knowledge of the Greek language. English and Russian may be enough to work as a guide, a hotel administrator, a cafe employee, an IT specialist.
- The warm climate allows you to practice swimming, yoga and running outdoors most of the year.
If you are going to open your own company in Cyprus, then this may be a profitable solution — there is a minimum tax rate for multinational corporations operating in EU countries. It is equal to 15% (corporate tax). For a long time, the tax was equal to 12.5%.
The specifics of working in Cyprus
According to the Statistics Office of Cyprus for the 4th quarter of 2023, unemployment is 5.9%. This is a fairly high figure, but it began to decline after the pandemic.
The Government of Southern Cyprus allows foreigners to be employed officially, but the advantage will be given to citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and EU citizens. If you are a valuable specialist, the employer will issue the necessary documents so that you receive permission to work in his company.
Features of employment of women and men in Cyprus
There is a gender division of vacancies on the island, but these boundaries are gradually blurring. EU rules ensure equal employment rights, regardless of gender.
Traditionally, the work of nannies and maids is predominantly female, and sailors and drivers are most often men. But guides, programmers, waiters, teachers can be of both sexes.
In recent years, the number of specialists from the beauty sector has increased in Cyprus: services such as massage and SPA treatments are especially in demand among tourists.
As for salaries, men earn more than women in almost all spheres. More on this later.
Permanent, seasonal and temporary work
Permanent work requires more paperwork. Temporary jobs are usually less prestigious, but may be suitable for those who have not yet decided on their place of residence.
A seasonal employee has the right to extend the contract with his employer, but in total he can work in Cyprus for only eight months. During this time, it is allowed to change the employer once. This follows from the provision of Chapter 105 of the Law “On Foreigners and Migration”.
Seasonal work usually lasts from May to October and is related to agriculture: farmers, harvesters, gardeners. But it can be builders who work shifts, and lifeguards on the beach.
As a rule, those people who cannot or have not yet managed to confirm their diploma, or workers without education, go to seasonal work. But it is also a good opportunity to understand whether you like the island, the climate, the locals, the level of bureaucracy enough to move to Cyprus for permanent residence.
Where to look for a job in Cyprus
Job search can be carried out independently and with the help of intermediaries. In both cases, it is assumed to study vacancies online or offline, the employer’s requirements for applicants in relation to their education and citizenship.
Websites of ads and vacancies from direct employers
We recommend starting with vacancies that are placed directly by employers. The following websites publish current vacancies in English and Greek:
- (login via vpn)
Websites in Russian to facilitate job search for Russian-speaking users:
Russian Facebook job search groups can also be found on social networks: “jobs in Cyprus” on Facebook, “jobs and vacancies in Cyprus” on telegram or, for example, job-cy on LinkedIn. Here are examples of such groups — one, two, three.
Job search through the state employment Service
The official website of the State Employment Service of the Department of Labor, the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance allows you to see the overall picture of the labor market and understand what the average salary is in a particular position in Cyprus. To get information on vacancies, you need to register. Also, after registering on this resource, it is possible to create a resume and update it.
The site is presented in English and Greek.
Recruitment agencies for job search in Cyprus
Assistants in the selection of vacancies — recruitment agencies:
Recruitment agencies can quickly guide you on salaries in Cyprus and in which regions the demand for the position of interest is higher.
You will have to pay for the provision of information services. Choose agencies that ask for payment after finding vacancies, and not before starting the search. Signing a service agreement will protect your rights.
Internship in Cyprus
In recent years, the rules regarding students who studied in other countries have changed: International students can do internships in the Republic of Cyprus and in some cases receive payment for it.
For students who are citizens of third countries, you need to:
- Get a residence permit for an internship (Pink Slip) if the internship lasts more than three months. At the moment, the Pink Slip is valid for up to one year and can be extended once in special cases related to professional qualifications. You must submit an application on the MVIS3 form to the city Immigration Department within seven days of arrival. To clarify the details, please contact the Cyprus Immigration Service.
- Signed internship agreement approved by the competent authority of Cyprus.
- Confirmation of the availability of sufficient funds to cover the costs of accommodation, internship and possible repatriation.
- Participation in the student exchange program.
- A bank guarantee to cover possible repatriation costs.
- To study the labor legislation in relation to international students.
If you are interested in the experience of obtaining an internship in Cyprus, you can find out more on these thematic resources:
- volunteer programs and
The most popular vacancies and sought-after specialties in Cyprus
Since tourism is developed on the island, maintenance personnel are constantly required there. But all other things being equal, the more likely you are to find a job, the higher your qualifications.
So, on the island, you always need:
- financiers, including those with experience in the banking sector;
- HR managers, crisis managers;
- highly qualified lawyers, accountants, auditors — all those people who know international law and will help in checking documentation;
- doctors;
- IT specialists;
- education workers who know several languages;
- engineers, designers, architects;
- highly specialized professions: installers, welders, electricians, appraisers, chefs;
- sales managers, realtors, croupiers;
- babysitters, social workers, animators, trainers;
- guides, security guards, waiters, maids.
You will need recommendations from previous jobs, publications, diplomas, and positive mentions in the media.
Cyprus is launching the Golden Knowledge program to attract talent. We tell you the details
Salaries in Cyprus
Since January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Cyprus has increased to 1,000 euros per month before taxes. The data is published in the Official Gazette and on the website of the Department of Labor.
On average, men’s salaries are higher than those of women in the same positions, although there is a law on equal pay. Perhaps this is due to the fact that women are more likely to run a household, so they can work part-time.
On the website of the Statistical Service of Cyprus, the latest period analyzed in terms of salary dynamics is 2021-2022.
According to official statistics, in 2022, women’s salaries were higher only in the fields of agriculture and water supply — by 6% and 2%, respectively. A difference of up to 10% in favor of men is noted in industries related to public administration and water supply. Men also earn significantly more if they are employed in healthcare, finance and insurance, real estate transactions or entertainment and art — the difference is on average 1.5 times.
The maximum difference in income is observed in the field of education — men earn almost 70% more.
Compared to 2021, income has increased in all areas. The most insignificant changes occurred among those employed in agriculture, water supply, healthcare, education and public administration — no more than 3%. Both men and women working in the hospitality and catering industry in 2022 received 28% and 41% more, respectively. Men from the field of information technology can also boast of income growth — +17% per year; for comparison, women — +14%.
The lowest wages in agriculture — on average no more than € 1,000, the highest — for those who work with finance and insurance, in the field of information technology and in the electricity and gas supply industry – on average from € 3,000 to €5,000.
It is worth noting that over the year, women’s salaries have increased in almost all areas.
Average monthly gross earnings, € |
Men |
Women |
2021 |
2022 |
2021 |
2022 |
Men |
Women |
Agriculture, hunting and forestry |
904 |
906 |
933 |
960 |
0,2% |
2,9% |
Industry |
1780 |
1819 |
1369 |
1434 |
2,2% |
4,7% |
Electricity, gas supply and air conditioning |
3097 |
3218 |
2811 |
2944 |
3,9% |
4,7% |
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and environmental restoration activities |
1899 |
1919 |
1890 |
1962 |
1,1% |
3,8% |
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
1713 |
1786 |
1307 |
1408 |
4,3% |
7,7% |
Transportation and storage |
2572 |
2665 |
1981 |
2158 |
3,6% |
8,9% |
Hotel business and catering |
1197 |
1532 |
904 |
1281 |
28,0% |
41,7% |
Information technology |
3210 |
3769 |
2420 |
2755 |
17,4% |
13,8% |
Financial and insurance activities |
4422 |
4851 |
3060 |
3314 |
9,7% |
8,3% |
Real estate activities |
2174 |
2362 |
1457 |
1605 |
8,6% |
10,2% |
Professional, scientific and technical activities |
2952 |
3117 |
2099 |
2232 |
5,6% |
6,3% |
Administrative activities |
2114 |
2192 |
1631 |
1743 |
3,7% |
6,9% |
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security |
2914 |
2984 |
2859 |
2937 |
2,4% |
2,7% |
Education |
2849 |
2923 |
1666 |
1736 |
2,6% |
4,2% |
Health and social work |
2436 |
2491 |
1562 |
1627 |
2,3% |
4,2% |
Art, entertainment and recreation |
2120 |
2365 |
1317 |
1457 |
11,6% |
10,6% |
Other activities in the service sector |
1831 |
1906 |
1266 |
1374 |
4,1% |
8,5% |
Taxation in Cyprus
The income tax rate depends on the level of income. In short, starting in 2024, with an annual income of €19,500 or less, you will not pay income tax. In other cases:
- with an income of €19,501-28,000, the income tax is 20%;
- €28 001—36 300 — 25%;
- €36 301—60 000 — 30%;
- more than €60,000 — 35%, respectively.
Starting in 2024, the contribution to the social insurance fund has become 8.8%; the payment to the national health system fund GESY has not changed — 2.65%.
According to the Department of Labor Relations, the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance, the employer contributes 8% of the salary to the vacation pay fund.
With an employee’s minimum salary of €1,000, the tax calculation looks like this:
1000 — (1000 + 8%*1000) *8,8% — (1000 + 8%*1000) *2,65% = €876,34 the salary remains in the hands of the employee.
How to pay low taxes in Europe: IP-box preferential program in Cyprus
How to get a work permit in the Republic of Cyprus
You need to start by looking for an employer who wants to hire you — job search sites were mentioned earlier in the article. Or you can come to Cyprus on a tourist visa and personally look for future employers on the island within 90 days. Remember that first of all local residents are hired here, then EU citizens, and only then citizens from third countries.
Is the employer ready to hire you? Now he must submit an application to the Department of Civil Registration and Migration (CRMD). The application indicates the vacancy and information about you. Do not forget to check the validity period of your passport: it must be valid for at least another 2.5 years.
After obtaining a work permit in Cyprus at CRMD, an employee must apply for a work visa at the embassy or consulate in the country of residence. After receiving a visa, the applicant will be able to travel to Cyprus.
Within 7 days after arrival in the country (for a limited period of one week), the future employee must apply for a Cyprus temporary residence permit (residence permit). To do this, you need to visit the local immigration department, police department or CRMD. At the reception, applicants must provide their personal data, signature and biometric data.
It usually takes about two months to complete all the documents.
You can also get the right to live with children under the age of 18, your spouse or spouses who are dependents. To add a family member to an already approved immigration permit, you must provide the following documents:
- Application form MIP1.
- A copy of the dependent’s valid passport.
- Declaration of the secured annual income of a person who has received an immigration permit (original documents and affidavit).
- The original certificate of the absence of a criminal record of the spouse, certified and officially translated (the certificate must be issued in the country of residence if the applicant does not live in Cyprus).
- A marriage certificate that is duly certified and officially translated (the original certificate or its certified copy).
- Children’s birth certificates, certified and officially translated (original or certified copy).
- There is a fee for submitting this application in the amount of €50 for each dependent included in the application.
- If family members need to obtain a Certificate of registration of a foreigner, an additional fee of 70 euros will be charged.
Talented foreigners will be able to obtain Cyprus citizenship faster
You will also receive medical insurance and other documents in accordance with current legislation.
For up-to-date information, it is advisable to contact the state departments of migration, embassies, consulates or hire a lawyer who will do everything for you.
Cyprus Work Visa
The so-called immigration permits are more often called work visas. They differ in the type of activity and whether you are going to work for yourself or be an employee (this is the simplest case, category E).
Category A
Persons who are going to work for hire in agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish farming in Cyprus. They must have land available for these purposes or a permit to purchase it. Of course, the intention to purchase must be supported by a sum of money.
Category B
Persons intending to work as individual entrepreneurs at mining enterprises in the Republic. You need a license to operate and have about 350,000 euros of capital at your disposal.
Category C
Self-employed persons in the field of trade or other fields with a license and capital of about €260,000.
Category D
Self-employed in the field of science with the appropriate qualifications and means or a secured income that will allow this intention to be realized. In addition, there should be a need for such specialists in Cyprus.
Category E
Persons who have a job offer from a Cypriot employer. At the same time, employees should not create competition for local applicants.
Category F
Persons who are not going to work and have an annual income of at least €9568 (CY£5,600) and at least €4613 (CY£2,700) per dependent.
Residence permit for digital nomads
A couple of years ago, the concept appeared — Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa or Cyprus digital Nomad visa. What is it?
So, in general, an employee becomes a tax resident of Cyprus if he lives on the island for more than six months in a calendar year. Since taxes are expressed as a percentage, not an absolute one, the higher the salary, the sooner the country’s budget is replenished. Since Internet-related professions are usually well paid, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus has decided to attract highly paid professionals. This is beneficial to the state and, perhaps, beneficial to the specialist himself, who can live and work in a country with a wonderful climate.
If you work for a foreign employer, or you work for yourself, but provide services to foreign clients and/or companies using telecommunications technologies, you can obtain a Cyprus digital Nomad visa.
Third-country nationals can take advantage of this advantage if they can prove that they receivemonthly income of at least €3,500 after deduction of all taxes and fees.
Note. We wrote in detail about digital nomad visas and the conditions for obtaining them in different countries in a separate large guide.
General requirements for applicants
Vacancies, which can be published in Greek, English and sometimes Russian, usually specify the necessary requirements for employees. You may not be afraid of gender discrimination, but some firms may support a certain percentage of men and women. According to statistics, the working atmosphere is better in a mixed team, where there are approximately the same number of men and women. In order to avoid an obvious bias, candidates of a certain gender may be considered.
Language proficiency requirements for employment
Since Greeks live in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, knowledge of the Greek language is required when working in public institutions, as well as when working with the local population somewhere far from cities.
As for private companies, it all depends on the field of activity and on what language your boss speaks. If you want to get a job as an administrator in a German-owned hotel, you may not be hired without knowing German.
If you are going to work in international companies, you may have enough English, but it should be at least B2 (or B1, if you have a good conversational) level. In any case, knowledge of the Greek language is a desirable maximum.
If you don’t speak foreign languages, you may be lucky enough to find a suitable job in Cyprus for Russians.
The presence of a diploma and its nostrification
The diploma of education will have to be confirmed, as the number of academic hours and educational programs may vary. You may need to take additional courses. You are free to choose a Cyprus university, but if you confirm such specialties as a doctor, teacher, architect, you will have to pass state exams. If there is no such program in Cyprus, exams are taken in Greece.
If you want to continue your studies or your specialty does not involve obtaining a license, such as the profession of a medical professional, then you do not need to take exams.
An application for confirmation of qualifications is submitted to a special organization under the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus — the Ministry of Education and Culture — KISATS (ΚΥ.Σ.Α.Τ.Σ). When confirming the diploma, the specialty is indicated.
The minimum package of documents for nostrification:
- the certificate and its insert;
- diploma and its insert;
- the university’s curriculum with a list of subjects and the number of academic hours to study them (sometimes divided into hours of lectures and practical classes).
ΚΥ.Σ.Α.Τ.Σ will check your university: whether you studied there, whether there is such a university at all; and if there is, whether it meets European requirements.
The good news for Russians is between Cyprus and Russia has an agreement on mutual recognition of education.
Other requirements
The foreign applicant must provide a certificate of no criminal record. And also it should not threaten the health of local residents: dangerous diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and others should be excluded; respect and comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Cyprus.
You will need housing, the address of which is indicated when applying to the Ministry of Labor of Cyprus. Perhaps the employer will help you with this by showing that they will provide you with housing.
It would not be superfluous to open an account with the Bank of Cyprus, although it is better to clarify this issue with the bank itself and with the head — perhaps your international card is suitable for transferring salaries.
How to officially find a job in Cyprus
To work in Cyprus, you will have to put in more effort than an EU citizen. But these actions are not much different from the orders of other European countries.
So, you have found a Cypriot employer, passed an interview, completed a test task.
You will learn about the amount of salary, your job responsibilities and sign an employment contract.
Then the employer himself acts:
- He submits an application, providing a package of documents to the Ministry of Labor of Cyprus.
- After receiving the letter of recommendation, the employer contacts the Department of Civil Registration and Migration to obtain a work permit for you.
- When the permit is obtained, you need a visa that will allow you to work in Southern Cyprus. The tourist visa you used to enter the country is no longer enough for you. We wrote about work visas earlier.
- Next, you apply for a residence permit and, while it is being considered (and this may take up to six months), you use a temporary identity card of a foreigner.
Citizenship can be obtained after 7 years of residence on the island.
Conclusion of an employment contract with an employer
Here we will give some features that relate to the employment contract.
Important: Cyprus does not have universal collective agreements regulating the rates of remuneration in certain types of economic activity. Therefore, consult with an employment lawyer and study information from government departments.
According to Cypriot law, the salary is paid once a week or once a month. It depends on what is specified in the agreement between the employee and the employer.
Processing hours must be compensated at a rate of 1:1 or higher. If an employee’s rights are violated, he has the right to file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor.
Within a month after starting work, the employer is obliged to provide information in writing to the new employee, which includes:
- place of work;
- Job responsibilities;
- the date of commencement of the employment relationship and its duration;
- vacation information;
- terms of termination of employment relations;
- salary data, frequency of payments;
- any collective agreements applicable to the terms and/or conditions of employment of the employee.
You can also get acquainted with the specifics of the employment legislation on the official website of the State Employment Service of the Department of Labor, the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance.
Employment of citizens with an EU passport
The employment of European citizens is regulated by Law No. 7 (I) of 2007 “On the right of Citizens of the Union and their family members to freely move and reside in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus” of 2007.
Since May 1, 2004, any citizen The EU can enter the territory of the Republic of Cyprus simply by presenting a valid passport or identity card. A visa is not required.
If the profession of an EU citizen presupposes a certain qualification, he must apply to the competent authority responsible for accepting and reviewing applications in this specialty — and get permission to work there on the same conditions as citizens of Cyprus.
Within 4 months after entering Cyprus, you must apply for a registration certificate. The local immigration police department is dealing with this issue. And after getting a job in Cyprus, you need to apply for a social security number. The registration certificate is issued within 6 months from the date of submission of the application.
Note. If a citizen of the European Union works in the Republic without registration, you will have to pay a fine of € 2562.90.
Consequences of illegal employment
You cannot work illegally in the Republic of Cyprus. Employers are fined for this, with a possible ban on further activities. And, depending on the severity of the offense, he faces imprisonment. Therefore, if someone offers you to “get a job quickly”, know that you are facing a fraudster.
An illegal immigrant worker will also be fined, imprisoned and deported with blacklisting.
Pension in Cyprus
The old-age pension is paid from the funds of the Social Insurance Fund to a person who has reached retirement age, which is 65 years for women and men, and 63 years for miners.
A person must be insured for at least 780 weeks before retirement age and pay basic insurance before retirement age in the amount of at least 780 times the weekly amount of basic insurance earnings.
The rule on the number of insurance points must also be followed, where the insurance score is equal to the annual amount of basic earnings.
The essence of this rule: in order to receive a pension, an employee had to work for at least 30% of the years from October 5, 1964 (or, if he reached the age of 16 after October 5, 1964, then from the first day of the year in which he reached this age) to the date that occurred a week before the onset of 63- summer age.
Since January 1‑ 2024, the pension in Cyprus has increased by 3.89% and amounted to per month:
- €391.85 — social pension;
- €411.20 is the minimum pension for those who do not have dependents;
- €483.77 is a full basic pension.
TOP cities to work in Cyprus
Limassol is considered the main business city. Most of the IT companies, including those created by immigrants from the CIS countries, are located here.
You can always find new working contacts in the Russian-speaking IT community of CypRus_iT. But if you are a programmer, you can settle in any city with stable Internet.
All other things being equal, it is easier to find work in large and/or resort cities: Nicosia, Larnaca, Paphos, Akrotiri, Ayia Napa, Polis, etc.
The Cyprus employment agencies listed above can help you find a job.
Frequently Asked Questions about job search in Cyprus
Where in Cyprus is it better to look for a job?
In big cities and tourist resorts: Limassol, Nicosia, Larnaca, Paphos, Ayia Napa. If you are an IT specialist, the choice of location will depend on personal preferences and the availability of stable Internet.
Can Belarusians and Russians officially find a job in Cyprus?
Yes, they can. But first of all, local residents and EU citizens are employed on the island.
What is the highest paid profession in Cyprus?
IT specialties, banking sector, top managers and senior managers.
What professions are in demand in Cyprus?
The most diverse, the main thing is to confirm your diploma of education, to know English and, preferably, Greek. Traditionally, tourism remains one of the leading areas.
How to relocate to Cyprus and work there?
There are special programs and categories of visas, depending on what you are going to do, whether you agree to invest in the local economy and whether you are an employee or a manager.
Anastasia Romashkina Author
I write articles on various topics for a foreign audience. For example, articles about real estate, emigration, and so on.
Anastasia Fomina Analyst
I provide readers with high-quality analytical materials on global trends in the real estate market.