Can the cost of renting a house not change for 500 years? In Germany, it can

Может ли стоимость аренды жилья не меняется 500 лет? В Германии может

Imagine that you only have to pay about 80 rubles a year for rental housing. At the same time, the rental price has not increased for 500 years!

In 1521, the banker and entrepreneur Jacob Fugger from Augsburg, Bavaria, founded the settlement, which is now known as the “Fugger quarter”. The block consists of 67 houses, in which there are 140 apartments with an area of 60 sq. m. The population of the block is about 150 people. There are many people who want to settle in the quarter: about 30-40 applications are submitted per year, and there are at least 80 people on the waiting list.

Jacob Fugger founded this neighborhood to help those in need. At the same time, he obliged his descendants to financially support the settlement and the church communities of the city. Thus, the Fuggerai quarter is the oldest social housing project in the world.

To become a resident of this settlement, you must meet several criteria.

First, you need to have a very low income and experience extreme need.

Secondly, there is a rule that was prescribed by the founder Fugger himself: residents must pray three times a day for the Fugger family, which means applicants must profess the Catholic faith.

Thirdly, only residents of Augsburg can become residents of the quarter.

Living in a settlement also requires a willingness to take on community service. For example, to be on duty at night at the entrance or take care of the garden. Why do you need a watchman in the neighborhood? The fact is that at exactly 10 p.m. the gates to the Fuggerai are closed. After that, you can only get inside until the morning by paying 50 cents to the watchman.

The owner of the Fuggerai quarter is a foundation run by the descendants of Jacob Fugger.


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