Three tourists were injured on the Kamchatka Klyuchevsky volcano

Close up of colorful flowers blooming in a garden surrounded by green leaves.

На камчатском Ключевском вулкане пострадали трое туристов

In Kamchatka, three tourists were injured due to a rockfall on the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano.

As the rescuers clarified, two men and a woman were making a long hike through the territory of the Three Volcanoes Park.

The ascent to Klyuchevskaya volcano was supposed to be the final stage on their route. After climbing to the top, the tourists decided to descend from the other side of the mountain, and then go down the slope to the path they know. At about 4,000 m altitude, they were hit by a rockfall and were injured.

The victims managed to reach the volcanologists’ base on their own at an altitude of 3,300 m. From there, rescuers took them by helicopter from the Kamchatka Territorial Disaster Medicine Center and took them to a medical facility. The tourists’ injuries turned out to be minor, they refused hospitalization.


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