The Kingdom of Cyprus. Part 1 ⋆ KiprGuru
14 0 10.01.2025 Content Introduction The role of Cyprus in the XII — XVI centuries. The last eastern frontier Shelter…
14 0 10.01.2025 Content Introduction The role of Cyprus in the XII — XVI centuries. The last eastern frontier Shelter…
1 0 13.08.2024 Content Introduction Neolithic wine Ancient wine of Cyprus The Middle Ages The Ottoman Period The British Period…
26 0 22.07.2024 Content Introduction Turtles of Cyprus Chelonia mydas (Green Turtle) Caretta caretta (Loggerhead) Where can I see turtles?…
11958 0 04.05.2024 The celebration of Easter in Cyprus is the brightest and most significant annual event. Easter is celebrated…
1175 3 12.03.2024 Content Introduction Background to the 1974 Cyprus conflict Detailed consideration of the development of the conflict Ottoman…
12454 0 10.03.2024 They love and know how to celebrate holidays in Cyprus!) Among the official public holidays, with mandatory…