The President made a reservation for the benefit of the people

Modern kitchen interior with stainless steel appliances and marble countertops

Президент оговорился на благо народа

Starting from the middle of 2024, all pensioners in Russia will start paying for housing and communal services without a bank commission.


In Russia, the reservation can also become law, which was proved by the results of Vladimir Putin’s many hours of communication with the population of the Russian Federation and the press. During that meeting, the head of state announced the abolition of commissions for housing and communal services for all pensioners of the Russian Federation. Many couldn’t believe their ears. After all, until recently, even we at MN bitterly grieved about the selectivity of our bureaucratic humanism: to whom, they say, tops, and to whom – roots. Of course, they were glad for the beneficiaries that they would be able to save on the “communal apartment”. But how could I not be sad for the rest of the pensioners, who would also benefit from an extra hundred or two saved in their wallets due to the cancellation of commissions? And it will even be an excellent New Year’s gift from our rich state, and bankers, obviously not poor. However, it seemed that the issue was finally resolved.

But life is a notoriously unpredictable thing. And most importantly, we all saw that even for the first and main person in the country, the word is not a sparrow. It flew out – you won’t catch it. He said, therefore, it must be done, especially since the government of Mikhail Mishustin was, as they say, ready and literally turned the reservation into an order of the executive power of the country in one day. Therefore, the relevant presidential decree was published. In general, such “mistakes” would be published more often…


Hand on heart, of course, we must admit: these bank commissions of 1-3% do not play a significant role for the budget of even poor pensioners – nowadays 150 rubles (this is about the average bank commission for transferring money) is at best a dozen eggs, and then if you’re lucky…

So if there is a garden and a fence, it is because of the expected increase in utility tariffs in 2024. That’s what really needs to be reduced for a long time, not increased. After all, debts for housing and communal services are approaching a fantastic amount of a trillion rubles. But when our “communal apartment” went down in price, it inevitably only grows like a weed in the weeds.

We already know that from the second half of 2024, all regions will see growth from 4 to 15%. The increase index is different for each region. So, from July 1, 2024, in St. Petersburg, housing and communal services fees will increase by an average of 9.8%, in Moscow – by 11%, in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region – by 10%.

Prices for housing and communal services are expected to grow significantly in the Omsk region and North Ossetia – by 14 and 13.7%, respectively. By the way, it should be recalled that these approved limits will be in effect for at least three years – until 2028. That is, already in 2025 and in 2026, housing and communal services may rise in price by a similar amount in 2024. Which one?..

Experts say that as a result of the increase in indices next year, housing and communal services bills will grow by 10-11% on average across the country, or by 520-580 rubles. And this is only in the coming year. This means that over the next three years in the future, the price of a “communal apartment” for an average family will increase by a couple of thousand rubles, do not go to a fortune teller. And the cancellation of payment fees hardly compensates for 8-10% of the upcoming new housing and communal services expenses for all of us.

Evgeny Alexandrov.

Photo: V. Smirnov/TASS


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