The difference with Moscow is 3-4 times. How much do apartment owners earn on rent in different cities of Russia

Разница с Москвой в 3–4 раза. Сколько зарабатывают на аренде владельцы квартир в разных городах России

In the last six months, the demand for rented housing has increased markedly in Russia:

    About 13 million Russians live in rented apartments today, and about 5-7 million properties are rented across the country. Over the past six months, analysts have recorded a significant increase in demand for rental housing. So, according to the Domclick service, the number of views of ads on the showcase has become the maximum compared to 2023, and the duration of the exhibition of objects has been reduced by an average of a week. How much do residents of different regions earn on rent every month? And how to rent an apartment with minimal hassle and maximum benefit?

    Perhaps the easiest way is to place an ad on popular sites. So, the Domclick service allows you to solve almost any housing issue online. There are more than 2 million real estate rental ads posted here, and about 10,000 new properties are added daily.

    Minimum cost of searching for tenants

    On Domclick, you can advertise any rental: apartments, rooms, houses, garages and land plots. In most regions, the placement is free — it is enough for the user to register on the site, fill out a description of the object, and upload photos. The preparation process takes no more than 1 minute — and within a week, as a rule, it is possible to find a tenant. It is convenient to track views in your personal account: clear and detailed statistics will help you better manage ads and receive more calls.

    If the user wants to speed up the process and receive more requests, it is possible to enable paid promotion — the ad will see the maximum number of visitors. You can choose the most comfortable of several tariffs.

    No intrusive calls and emails to messengers

    A common situation: it is worth placing an ad — and not only potential tenants begin to call the specified number, but also “bank employees”, “representatives of the security service”, cutting off phones without days off and holidays. When searching for tenants through Domclick, this is excluded: Domclick telephony is available for rental ads. This means that all calls go through the site — subscribers do not see each other’s numbers until they want to exchange contacts themselves. This protects against scammers and getting into spam databases.

    Quick search for reliable tenants

    If the client wants to optimize the search process as much as possible and entrust some of the routine tasks to someone, he can use the new convenient service “Domclick Rent”. Domclick specialists will take over all the work with the announcement and bring verified residents. In 90% of cases, the time to find a reliable tenant using the services is up to 1-3 days.

    The Domclick Rent service includes not only the creation, placement and promotion of ads on popular federal and regional sites, but also full transaction management — from finding tenants and showing the object to legal support and key transfer.

    The service team will receive calls from candidates, screening out spam and advertising, check the tenant for compliance with the landlord’s requirements, and coordinate a convenient time to view the apartment.

    Разница с Москвой в 3–4 раза. Сколько зарабатывают на аренде владельцы квартир в разных городах России

    The owner will be able to solve all key issues online in his personal account: post photos of housing for an inventory of property, select candidates for viewing, postpone the time of screenings, sign the necessary documentsphoto:

      Professional lawyers will prepare a complete draft of the contract and an inventory of the property, taking into account the main risks. The service also includes a guarantee of the safety of the property from the House Click, as well as a guarantee of timely payment of rent payments and compensation in the event of a tenant’s departure.

      Convenient and secure payments

      Another important point of the rental agreement is payments. Users often have many questions about how to make payment and receipt of funds easier.

      An online platform for making payments from the tenant to the owner is available in the Domclick Rent service. Every month, the tenant will see a payment reminder in his personal account, and the owner will see the payment status. Bonuses for tenants: when paying with a Savings Bank card, Savings points are awarded, and when paying with a card from another bank, cashback can be accrued (depends on the bank’s terms).

      In addition, if users have agreed to make payments through Domclick, then the owner will receive financial protection of the lease. For example, if the tenant is unable to deposit funds on the specified day, the House Click compensates for the delay, and the owner will receive the money on time. Also included in the financial protection is housing and property insurance for an expanded list of risks, for which the owner does not pay anything.

      You can connect an online payment platform when signing a lease agreement – for this, it is enough for the owner to specify the details of receiving funds.

      Not only property owners are in the black, but also tenants

      The Domclick service protects the interests of not only the owners, but also everyone who is looking for a rental home. The moderation team carefully checks each ad before publishing and, if necessary, blocks the accounts of scammers. This greatly simplifies the search for a suitable option: users do not waste their time on suspicious objects, the risk of contacting an unscrupulous landlord and losing money is minimized.

      Разница с Москвой в 3–4 раза. Сколько зарабатывают на аренде владельцы квартир в разных городах России

      With the help of the Domclick service, it is convenient not only to rent, but also to rent a house — quickly and safely. Photo:

        How much do residents of different regions of the country earn on rent

        According to the statistics of ads on the Domclick portal, the monthly cost of renting a standard apartment with an area of 35 square meters is 24 thousand rubles on average in the country. Naturally, the figures differ significantly in each region.

        The most expensive way to rent an apartment is in the capital: there, the mentioned “one-bedroom apartment” costs an average of 69.7 thousand rubles per month. In St. Petersburg, the price tag is twice as low – 34.2 thousand rubles. Next comes the Moscow and Novosibirsk regions — with figures of 28.2 and 26 and a half thousand rubles, respectively.

        The cheapest rental housing is in the Voronezh region (15.9 thousand rubles per month). Residents of the Volgograd, Omsk, Samara regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan also pay less than the national average to landlords: about 17 thousand rubles per month. In the Chelyabinsk region, the cost of renting a “half—truck” is about 18.2 thousand, in the Perm Territory and the Rostov region — a little more than 19 thousand, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region – 20.3 thousand rubles.

        How to get the maximum

        Domclick Rent removes most of the hassle from the apartment owner. All that remains is to hand over the keys to the tenants and receive additional income.

        — We are pleased to offer our clients a full range of services and services for comfortable rental housing. To place an ad on our showcase yourself or entrust the search for a reliable tenant to our experts is up to the client to decide: both services are convenient, profitable and safe. When designing long—term rental housing for Domclick, we followed a human-centered approach: we studied the real needs of a person who wants to rent out their home, as well as the difficulties they most often face, – said Alexey Leipi, Director of the Domclick division of Sberbank.

        Domclick LLC,

        Разница с Москвой в 3–4 раза. Сколько зарабатывают на аренде владельцы квартир в разных городах России

        In the last six months, the demand for rented housing has increased markedly in Russia:

        Разница с Москвой в 3–4 раза. Сколько зарабатывают на аренде владельцы квартир в разных городах России

        The owner will be able to solve all key issues online in his personal account: post photos of housing for an inventory of property, select candidates for viewing, postpone the time of screenings, sign the necessary documentsphoto:

        Разница с Москвой в 3–4 раза. Сколько зарабатывают на аренде владельцы квартир в разных городах России

        With the help of the Domclick service, it is convenient not only to rent, but also to rent a house — quickly and safely. Photo:


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