Heavy rain in Dubai caused a traffic collapse

Сильный дождь в Дубае вызвал транспортный коллапс

Due to the heavy rain that took place on April 16, part of the streets of Dubai are flooded, as such precipitation is a rare phenomenon in the UAE. The local airport stopped receiving and departing flights.

Now the airliners have begun to depart from this city, but many flights at Dubai airport are still delayed or redirected to other air harbors. Thus, dozens of flights of Emirates, Etihad Airways, Air Arabia and flydubai airlines, as well as Russian airlines Aeroflot and Ural Airlines flying to the Emirates, are delayed and canceled. Passengers of rescheduled flights continue to stay at the airport, a huge number of people have accumulated in it, and therefore the administration of the air hub asks not to come to the building unless absolutely necessary. However, getting to the airport is not easy, as the partially flooded Dubai metro also operates with restrictions and several stations on the way to the airport are closed.

According to Russian tour operators, there are currently about 2,000 organized Russian tourists in the country, according to the Ministry of Economic Development.


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