Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers dream of finding stable and well-paid jobs. Israel offers expats excellent employment opportunities and decent working conditions. Learn more about the specifics of the Israeli labor market and the procedure for obtaining a work visa in 2024
Coming to Israel and staying there is not an easy task. Especially if you do not meet the requirements of the repatriates. However, this is real. In particular, as long as there is official employment with a work permit and a valid work visa.
According to the law “On Foreign Workers”, the presence of long-term official employment in Israel gives a foreigner the right to obtain a permanent residence permit. However, it is difficult to achieve this, because after the expiration of the visa, foreigners must either provide grounds for extending their stay in the country or leave. The issuance of work visas in Israel is strictly regulated. According to statistics, most labor migrants arrive in Israel from Georgia, Moldova, Greece and Romania.
Work visa in Israel
Obtaining a work visa to Israel is a complex process that requires compliance with certain procedures and the availability of necessary documents. It is important to know that there are various types of work visas in Israel, each of which has its own requirements and procedures for obtaining.
Types of work visas:
1. The B/1 visa is the most common type of work visa for qualified workers;
2. B/2 visa – short-term visa for temporary work;
3. A/2 visa is a visa for scientists, teachers and researchers.
Steps to obtain a B/1 work visa
1. Find an employer. The first and most important step is to find an Israeli employer who is willing to offer you a job. The employer must have a work permit for foreign workers;
2. Obtaining a work permit. The employer submits an application for a work permit for a foreign employee to the Israeli Ministry of the Interior. It is important that the employer provides all the necessary documents and substantiates the need to hire a foreigner;
3. Preparation of documents. After obtaining a work permit, the employee must prepare the following documents:
– A passport valid for at least 6 months after the expiration of the visa;
– A completed application form for obtaining a visa;
– Passport format photos;
– A copy of the employment permit;
– Medical insurance;
– Certificate of non-criminal record.
4. Submission of documents. The collected documents are submitted to the Israeli consulate or embassy in the applicant’s country of residence. You may need to make an appointment for an interview.;
5. The interview. At the interview, they may ask about your job, qualifications and plans for staying in Israel. It is important to be ready to answer all questions clearly and confidently.
The B/1 work visa can be renewed. The renewal procedure is usually simpler, but also requires the submission of the necessary documents and confirmation from the employer.
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Features of employment in Israel
The first and most important thing a potential employee should know is that Israel usually does not support hiring foreigners in local companies. Exceptions apply only in the field of IT, medicine, as well as leading engineers of various innovative projects. Therefore, before employing a foreigner, an employer must obtain accreditation from the Israeli Ministry of the Interior and obtain an appropriate permit.
For legal employment, a foreign employee will need to obtain two documents:
Work permit in Israel
The package of papers required to obtain this document is submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the employer. That is why he will have to prove the impossibility of finding a relevant specialist in the middle of the country, and he also undertakes to provide guarantees of employment, minimum wage, taxation and the like. The received permission will be assigned to the initiator company. Therefore, in case of a change of employer, you need to go through the whole process again.
Type B1 work visa
The initial validity period of an open visa is 30 days. During this period, the foreigner must travel to Israel, as well as submit to the local Ministry of Internal Affairs a package of papers for registration and extension of the validity period of the visa for a year. All subsequent renewals occur annually. The maximum period during which a foreigner can stay in the country on the basis of a work visa is 5 years. Both the permit and the visa specify the type of activity and the employer company. Therefore, a change of place of work will require a change of visa.
Important! Despite the fact that Israel has opened borders to citizens of more than 100 countries, official entry into the country for employment is possible only with a work visa. Job search during the visa-free period and illegal work is a serious violation for which a foreigner can be deported and subsequently banned from entering Israel.
Employment programs for foreigners in Israel
The easiest way to get a work visa to Israel is to be a worthy candidate for work in the field of state economy, which requires foreign specialists. In particular:
1. Innovative visa type B2. This is an experimental simplified visa procedure for startup entrepreneurs in the field of IT, technology and robotics.
2. Visas for carers. Every year, Israel issues up to 50,000 visas of this type for foreigners (mostly women or married couples) who have an education that allows them to deal with sick or elderly people. Usually, carers are sought for permanent residence in the home of a person who needs care. Accommodation includes the obligation to maintain cleanliness and order.
3. Work permit for foreign experts.If a foreigner holds leading positions in the world’s best companies and can prove that he has the appropriate competencies, he can be employed as a consultant. The Ministry of Economy expects that the presence of this staff will allow the employer to expand the business and increase the number of jobs for Israelis.
The level of the average salary by profession in Israel
Hundreds of startups are launched in Israel every year and representative offices of international companies are opened, which contributes to economic growth. The tourism industry is also actively developing, attracting more visitors from all over the world. The skillful actions of the government, combined with innovative approaches, increase the level of education, increase employment and incomes of the population.
According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2024, the average salary in Israel was 10,073 shekels (approximately 2,817 US dollars) per month. The unemployment rate in the country currently stands at 4.5%.
Wages vary depending on the industry: from 4,600 shekels (1,295 US dollars) in the social sphere to 27,000 shekels (7,599 US dollars) in the field of energy and mining. Employees with higher education and knowledge of Hebrew and foreign languages are in high demand.
Wages in Tel Aviv are higher than in small towns, but the cost of living here is much higher. Although the average salary of 10,073 shekels seems like an impressive amount, the cost of groceries, travel and utilities makes life expensive. 65% of employees earn less than 7,500 shekels (1,970 US dollars). The middle class of the employed population consists of citizens receiving from 7,500 to 9,500 shekels (1,970-2,673 US dollars).
The minimum wage in Israel depends on the age of the employee and the nature of the accrual of earnings. Some companies offer a fixed rate, others an hourly rate or a piecework system. All employees, regardless of nationality, are entitled to remuneration not lower than the minimum level.
The state has set the minimum hourly wage at 26.88 shekels (7.56 US dollars). When working up to 43 hours a week, the monthly rate is 5,000 shekels (1,405 US dollars). The daily salary for a six-day work week is 200 shekels (56.23 US dollars), and for a five-day work week it is 230 shekels (64.67 US dollars).
How much do less skilled workers earn?
Earning for working professions in Israel is quite difficult, especially for builders, machine operators, drivers and welders. The average salary of construction workers is 9,113 shekels (2,565 US dollars). At the same time, work on the construction of civil facilities is paid better than the arrangement of industrial premises.
Qualified welders can easily find jobs at enterprises that manufacture products for industry and the public. Employers highly value migrants with Slavic roots. The average salary of a welder in Israel is about 30 shekels per hour, which is 7,000-8,500 shekels (1,970- 2,390 US dollars) per month for an eight- to ten-hour working day.
Tram drivers in Jerusalem, as well as drivers of other vehicles, earn between 9,300 and 11,100 shekels (2,617-3,124 US dollars). It depends on the type of transport and the specifics of the work.
Women who are looking for work in Israel often find vacancies for nurses, governesses, waitresses and teachers. Many people from CIS countries work as nurses due to the high costs of care services offered by government clinics and special centers. The salary of nurses in Israel is 4,600-8,400 shekels (1,295-2364 US dollars) per month. This makes their services more profitable for employers.
How much do skilled workers earn in Israel?
If you are in doubt whether it is worth going to work in Israel, pay attention to the remuneration of qualified workers. For example, financiers and bank employees earn between 15,000 and 16,000 shekels (4,217-4,500 US dollars). Some representatives of this industry (less than 5%) receive more than 20,000 shekels (5,623 US dollars) per month.
Employees of the largest national energy companies can boast an income of 20,000-22,000 shekels (5,623-6,185 US dollars). In the field of electric power and water supply, you can count on a high level of income. For comparison, officials earn about 13,500 shekels ($3,795).
Igor Usyk – Head of the Legal Department of Visit World
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