Tourist trends this summer

Top travel trends for this summer - diverse destinations, activities, and experiences

Туристические тренды этим летом

The number of trips of Russian tourists abroad halved in 2023 compared to 2019 – from 45 to 25 million, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said on the sidelines of the SPIEF.

A large domestic marketplace of sightseeing tours notes that the focus of foreign holidays has also changed – almost 85% of all tours sold with arrival in June are beach holidays. Tour operators (TO) predict a 15% increase in demand in outbound tourism this summer. Turkey will become the leader among foreign destinations, which will account for 56% of the total outbound flow. It is also noted that, according to sales data for June, holidays in Turkey rose slightly in price compared to May, and in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Thailand – noticeably cheaper. But even a slight rise in the price of Turkey is very expensive for a significant part of organized tourists – analysts of domestic aggregators clearly see a tendency to reorient users who were initially looking for tours to Turkey to Russian resorts. However, the reorientation of some tourists to the domestic market did not prevent Russians from regaining the first place in the Antalya rating based on the results of arrivals of foreign tourists to the resorts of this province in May 2024.

Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs drew attention to the frequent reports of errors in citizens’ passports. The agency promises to promptly consider complaints and change passports for free. It is proposed to send complaints via the online form on the Ministry’s website. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also recommends that citizens, when receiving identity documents, be very careful and carefully check the correctness of the information written in them.

Analyzing the distribution of travelers within the country, ATOR (Association of Tour Operators of Russia) notes the growing popularity of resorts in Crimea, then Kavminvody, Moscow and St. Petersburg show good dynamics. The reason is a more moderate increase in prices for logistics and accommodation in these regions (about 5%) than in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (15-20%). “Now a trip to Sochi is like a small wedding,” ATOR notes.

VTSIOM notes that this summer there is a tendency to reduce vacation days. There is also a decrease in the share of Russians planning a summer vacation – only 32%. 53% of citizens will spend their holidays at home, another 28% will spend their holidays in the country and only 14% will travel around the country.

Air Transportation News

The Foreign Ministry continues to surprise. This time, the agency hopes that the new president of Mexico (a woman, Claudia Sheinbaum, won the recent elections there for the first time) will help “overcome” the crisis with flights to this country by Russians on Turkish Airlines airliners. This is an amazing hope, if only because under the previous president, the Mexican authorities expressed surprise at the actions of the Turkish carrier, which, for far-fetched reasons, removes Russians from flights to Latin America in batches.

Russian travelers have long learned that the rescue of drowning people is the work of drowning people themselves, and, without waiting for changes, they demand that Turkish Airlines refund money for unused flights. And some people manage to do this, although, as the lucky ones write, applications for a return to the airline have to be submitted several times. Another part of the victims uses a different approach – they write pre-trial claims. It also helps.

Perhaps the most discussed news was the initiative of S7 Airlines, which announced a new service for evaluating the work of flight attendants: passengers will be sent photos of employees (and their names) to assess the quality of their work. The link to the survey will be available within 48 hours. Employee bonuses will also depend on these estimates. The program is currently running in test mode, with a full launch starting on July 1, it will become part of the motivational package of cabin crew members.

At the same time, the same S7 Airlines was fined twice – for overbooking and for services of inadequate quality (the hotel was not provided for a long flight delay). However, the amount of fines is like a pellet for an elephant – 30 thousand rubles each.

Aeroflot reported that it had “worked with the FAS on ticket pricing,” and, as the company’s CEO Sergey Alexandrovsky assures, it is absolutely transparent, the service has no questions for the national carrier. Who would doubt it.

But, for example, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs of Spain fined several low-cost airlines at once for additional charges from passengers. The total amount of the fine by Easyjet, Ryanair, Volotea and Vueling amounted to more than 150 million euros. According to the Spanish regulator, hand luggage fees, seat selection fees and cash payment restrictions for airport tickets are unacceptable practices in Spain. The EU fears that the decision of the Spanish authorities will cause a “domino effect” in other EU countries, and passengers will complain en masse about additional airline fees.

Signs of St. Petersburg

In the city on the Neva, an initiative is being discussed to design signage and outdoor advertising in the city center in a single pre-revolutionary style: this period corresponds to the cultural code and historical appearance of the city as much as possible. The signs will be decorated according to all the rules of pre-revolutionary spelling, with monograms and seals (“”), and also made of metal or wood. Proponents of the concept of a single style argue that heterogeneous signage violates the historical appearance of the city. As a successful example of such a solution, the authors of this idea cite the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. There it had a great effect: the tourist flow to the city has grown noticeably. We don’t know, we don’t know, “EN-Tourism” is motley, but very often original, interesting and ironic signs of St. Petersburg really like.

The Suffering of Fuji – 2

In “AN” No. 22, we told how the authorities of the city of Fujikawaguchiko, tired of fighting annoying tourists, closed the “canonical” view of Mount Fuji near the Lawson store with a screen made of black fabric with a height of 2.5 m and a length of 20 meters. But there are many beautiful views of the sacred mountain for the Japanese, and the next in line was the Fujisan Dream Bridge, located about 1 km south of Fuji City Hall. Local residents complain to the authorities that tourists visit this point without stopping, while parking in the wrong places and leaving mountains of garbage. And here, too, as at the Lawson store, a black screen was installed.

The most attractive cities

The Euromonitor International portal has compiled a rating of the most popular cities among tourists from all over the world. Rating methodology: 55 indicators are compared in six “key areas” – economic efficiency and business efficiency of tourism activities, tourism infrastructure, tourism policy and attractiveness, health and safety, as well as sustainable development.

And this year, as in the last three years, Paris topped the ranking of the 100 best urban destinations.

The following are:

2. Dubai.

3. Madrid.

4. Tokyo.

5. Amsterdam.

6. Berlin.

7. Rome.

8. New York.

9. Barcelona.

10. London.

The best hotels

The Tripadvisor platform introduced Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best Hotels, the annual top 25 hotels with the highest rating based on user reviews. This year’s list of the best hotels includes Turkey, Maldives, UAE, Egypt and Cuba – charters with organized tourists from Russia fly to all these countries on direct flights.

Six of the top ten hotels in the world are located in Asia: two in Vietnam, two in Bali (Indonesia) and two in the Maldives. The other four are located in America – Brazil, Cuba and Mexico.

The overall top 25 includes two hotels in Turkey, two hotels in the UAE, two hotels in Egypt, and two hotels in Cuba. But the European Union is modestly represented in this rating – only one hotel from Portugal.

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