In Tuapse, they are looking for a tourist who was swept into the sea on the sapa

Close-up of colorful flowers in a vibrant garden setting

В Туапсе ищут туристку, которую на сапе унесло в море

According to Kommersant, in the Tuapse area, three tourists were swept into the sea last night while skiing. Two girls escaped, and the search for the third continues.

The incident occurred near the beach in the cottage village of Sosnovy Bereg at about 20:30 on July 11. The sea was choppy, and the girls were quickly swept away from the shore. One of the tourists was able to return on her own. By 23:00, rescuers found the second girl 400 m from the shore, she was evacuated, and medical help was not required.

The third tourist, a 33-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, is considered missing. The search involving 40 rescuers, five boats and aircraft continues.


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