Traveling outside our biosphere is not new for a long time, although the number of tourists is not yet in the hundreds, and the prices for such flights are cosmic. About one of these projects I told you two years ago. Now dinner has been added to the entertainment, the deadlines have been postponed, and the cost has increased significantly.
Dinner in Space is a joint project of two companies. The first developed a space “balloon” — a capsule filled with hydrogen gas. It can go up into the stratosphere for several hours with people on board, and then bring them down. At the same time, the capsule has everything for a comfortable trip: Wi-Fi, a relaxation area, a bar and a very ordinary toilet with all amenities. And now travelers — 6-8 people can fit in a capsule — will also be able to have a delicious dinner.
As for the dinner, for which the second company is responsible, the organizers have not yet announced the menu. But they promised that it would be “inspired by the role of space exploration in the last sixty years of human history.” Danish chef Rasmus Munk will create in the kitchen for space tourists – by the way, his restaurant in Copenhagen has been awarded two Michelin stars.
In addition to the fact that customers will have the opportunity to taste the author’s dishes above the clouds, the authors declare that their project will leave a zero carbon footprint.
Will this be considered a spacewalk? Alas, no. In fact, the balloon will rise to a height of 30 kilometers above sea level, that is, it will not even reach the Pocket line, which is the internationally recognized boundary of space, it is 100 kilometers from the surface of our planet.
But at the same time, tourists will see the Earth the same way astronauts from the ISS see it. And the sunrise from beyond the horizon of the Earth will also be able to watch.
The first flight is scheduled for the end of 2025, the launch will be from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida (USA). The capsule will spend about six hours in the stratosphere. The cost of such a dinner will be 495 thousand dollars (125 thousand of this amount is for the flight itself). If the exchange rate remains approximately the current, it will be 45.8 million rubles. Cheaper than, for example, the Moscow egg house — the main symbol of the “Luzhkov” architecture of the capital.
Whether space tourism has the prospect of becoming widespread and what entertainment companies offer to customers in this area, read the review article of the magazine “Around the World”.
The author of the text:Irina Sebeleva
Based on the materials of Interesting Engineering.