Aksenov announced a drop in the tourist flow to Crimea in 2023

Аксенов заявил о падении турпотока в Крым в 2023 году

The head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergey Aksenov, reported a 20% drop in the flow of tourists in 2023 compared to 2022, but clarified that despite the restrictions in the field of logistics, the tourism industry of Crimea copes with all the difficulties that arise.

According to the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the republic, about 180 thousand guests are planned in Crimea during the January holidays. The tourist infrastructure of Crimea is loaded by 95%, hotels operating on holidays are loaded by more than 60%.

The flow of tourists from January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2024 amounted to 5.2 million tourists, compared to 6.5 million tourists in the same period of the previous year. 58% of tourists arrived on vacation on the Crimean Bridge by road, 28% — by rail and 14% — by other land routes through new regions of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, the head of Crimea announced the impossibility of opening an airport in Simferopol before the end of its operation. 

Источник: argumenti.ru

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