What Should Be The Temperature In The Bathroom?

What Should Be The Temperature In The Bathroom?

The rules for the provision of public services say: the air temperature in residential premises in the cold season should be at least + 18 degrees, in corner rooms — + 20 degrees. What about the bathroom?

In this regard, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation provided explanations, referring to the current SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. It turned out that the temperature difference at various points in the serviced area can be no more than 2 degrees for optimal indicators and 3 degrees for acceptable ones. This means that with the onset of cold weather, the temperature in the bathroom is considered acceptable if it is in the range from 18 to 26 degrees.

Какой Должна Быть Температура В Ванной Комнате?

“If the indoor air temperature does not meet the standards and a person is forced to heat himself in other ways, then the first thing to do is to call the management company,” explained Viktor Fedoruk, an expert on housing law and housing reform. — She must record the fact of violation of the temperature regime. Then the homeowner can contact the State Housing Inspectorate or the prosecutor’s office. The results of the measurements taken must be attached to the application. The application must indicate that you insist on recalculating the payment for heating. You can also attach receipts for electricity, which will show overspending if, for example, a person had to use an electric heater.”


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