What Can Make The House Look Askew?

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Building a private house is a complex process that requires taking into account many different nuances. But sometimes unpleasant consequences come not through the fault of the builders.

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“There may be weak or unstable soils on the site,” said Ilya Shaklein, a geodesic engineer. — Such soils can sink or move, which leads to deformations of the house. What should I do in this case? First, it is necessary to conduct a geodetic survey to determine the cause of the deformation. The study includes measurements of sediment and soil movements using special devices. Secondly, if the reason is weak soils, work may be required to strengthen the foundation or stabilize the soil. It is also important to monitor the condition of the building to prevent further deformations.”

To avoid such situations, the expert stressed, it should be remembered that geodetic measurements before the start of construction are the most important stage that should not be skipped. It allows you to understand how stable the soil is and how it can react to the load from the building, which will lead to deformations of the structure.


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