What Can Be Turned Off In An Apartment For Housing And Communal Services Debt?

A woman hiking on a scenic trail surrounded by lush greenery and trees.

Disabling services for housing and communal services debts is a measure to encourage apartment owners to pay utilities on time.

Что Могут Отключить В Квартире За Долг По Жкх?

“The suspension of the provision of public utilities to the population is allowed, and is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 No. 354 (edition dated 12/29/2020) “On the provision of public utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” explained economist, associate professor of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Elena Zatsarinnaya. — In case of debt on housing and communal services for more than two months, the management organization, after providing the appropriate notification to the payer, has the right to suspend the provision of utilities without a court decision.

This restriction works quite well. A significant part of debtors, when applying such measures, actually find money to repay the resulting debt. One of the most common types of services that can be turned off in apartments for housing and communal services debt is water, gas and light. But only hot water can be turned off. Similarly, it will be impossible to turn off the sewerage and heating in the apartment.”


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