Yandex Real Estate experts have compiled a rating of the million-plus cities in Russia with the most compact apartments in new comfort-class buildings. St. Petersburg took the first place in it — 38.4 square meters.
Moscow is on the second line (42.5). Volgograd (42.6), Rostov—on-Don (47.2) and Perm (47.3) were among the top five.
At the same time, the most expensive housing of this type turned out to be in Moscow — 280 thousand rubles per square meter, St. Petersburg is located behind the capital (226 thousand). Kazan closed the top three (203 thousand).
It is noted that in June, the average area of an apartment in a new comfort-class building in million-plus cities was 51 square meters, and this is 0.8% more than in May. Experts also recorded an increase in the number of transactions with primary real estate.