IPG.Estate: Another resident will appear in the Kievskoye-95 industrial Park

Beautiful landscape with green grass, tall trees, and blue sky on a sunny day

IPG.Estate: В индустриальном парке «КиевскоЕ-95» появится еще один резидент

Photo: Unsplash

The Nordweg manufacturing company, specializing in the repair of marine equipment, has acquired a 2.7-hectare site for the construction of an industrial complex. IPG consulting company acted as a consultant for the transaction.Estate.

The Kievskoye-95 Industrial Park is a project with industrial sites 11 km from the ring road on the first line of the Kiev highway from the FACT company.Prom.” Prepared plots of 0.5 hectares and sections in Light Industrial production and warehouse complexes are offered for sale, the construction of which will begin this year. In the portfolio “FACT. Prom”  There are also two realized industrial blocks on the Murmansk highway.

The buyer considered the site for purchase due to the need to expand production capacity. Due to the work with oversized cargo, the search for a ready-made offer on the market of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region proved difficult.

The accessibility of the site in the Kievskoye-95 project has become one of the factors of the attractiveness of the site for the buyer. In addition to the proximity to the city, the advantages of the Kievskoye-95 project are emphasized by the developed engineering infrastructure throughout the park.

The deal for the purchase of the site was closed six months after the start of the search. The start of the buyer’s project is scheduled for 2025.

Philip Chaika, Partner, Head of IPG’s Warehouse and Industrial Real Estate Department.Estate:

“A land plot with ready–made communications as an offer from an industrial park is a high-budget acquisition compared to an unprepared plot of a private owner. But specialized companies with sufficient acquisition capabilities go to purchase a comprehensive solution in favor of saving their own time and resources. This approach is well established in the market, and the active absorption of land in industrial parks stimulates the development of new high-quality projects.”

Источник: ipg-estate.ru

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