IPG.Estate: A manufacturing enterprise is expanding in the Leningrad region

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IPG.Estate: В Ленобласти расширяется производственное предприятие

Photo: Photo by Adrian Sulyok on Unsplash 

A Russian manufacturing company has leased 11.5 thousand square meters for the expansion of production in the Veligonty industrial park in the Lomonosov district of St. Petersburg. The broker of the transaction is IPG consulting company.Estate.

The company was considering moving to a new site to increase production volumes. In order to save staff, when searching for a location, the company strictly focused on the southern direction of St. Petersburg.

The company’s request was answered by an object in the Veligonty Industrial Park, located in the Razbegaevo industrial zone on the Ropshinsky highway. The engineering equipment made it possible to increase the amount of electricity to the required 1 MW, and the design of the building was suitable for the organization of production. As a result, the lease of 11.5 thousand square meters was closed as soon as possible.

Maria Titova, Deputy Head of the IPG Warehouse and Industrial Real Estate Department.Estate:

“With a general shortage of ready-made supply in the industrial warehouse market, it is especially difficult to find a room for production. Our client was actively involved in analyzing the technical parameters of the site in order to make a final decision on the facility in the Veligonty Industrial Park. There are no more relevant offers in this location, and the company has received a unique option to expand its business.”.

Источник: ipg-estate.ru

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