How Much Do Residents Of Different Countries Of The World Pay For Water. Infographics

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Сколько Платят За Воду Жители Разных Стран Мира. Инфографика

Water is expensive in our world, warns expert Ilya Rusyaev. Tariffs can be formed in different ways, the population may have limits on free water supply, but everyone has to pay for access to drinking water from the tap. 

“Access to clean drinking water is one of the fundamental human rights enshrined in international documents,” Rusyaev says. — However, the implementation of this right in practice faces serious economic and legal problems. The analysis of the cost of tap water in different countries of the world shows significant differences due to both objective factors and the peculiarities of national legislation.”

In some countries, the price tag is set based on the cost of preparing and delivering water to a person’s home, in others — based on the average salary, in others, the tariff depends on the volume of consumption: the more you spend, the more expensive you pay for each drop, he continues.

“Low tariffs do not always mean accessibility,” Rusyaev continues. — In some African countries, such as Ethiopia, Ghana and Madagascar, residents can spend from 15% to 50% of their income on drinking water due to the lack of centralized water supply. In developed countries, the share of water costs in the family budget is usually much lower. For example, in the UK, no more than 1% of income is spent on water, the same is true in the USA and France. Until recently, Turkmenistan had a free water limit, while in Belarus the population pays only a part of the real cost of water if the consumer meets the standard consumption limit.”

The cost of tap water in different countries of the world varies widely — from a few rubles to almost 900 rubles per cubic meter. The specific amount depends on the natural features of the region, state policy, the state of water management, and many other reasons, the expert states. In conditions of scarcity of water resources on the planet, this fee should be fair. Otherwise, it can very quickly lead to severe social and political consequences.

Сколько Платят За Воду Жители Разных Стран Мира. Инфографика


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