“You’re fat”: the main problems of tourists in a popular Asian country are named

Tourists facing challenges in a popular Asian country - Tolstaya discusses main issues.

“You’re too fat,” they told me at the clothing rental point, ” with such a complaint from a tourist, the Korean Tourism Organization opened statistics, where it recalculated the main problems of tourists in a popular Asian country. According to them, mostly tourists in South Korea complain about the inconveniences associated with shopping — including high prices and rudeness of sellers.

N.B. Meanwhile, information has appeared for those who want to easily lose extra pounds: cookies that help to lose weight are named.

According to the Korean press, according to the latest data from the Korean Tourism Organization (KTO), most of the complaints submitted to the Tourist Complaint Center by foreign visitors last year were related to purchases. Moreover, of the 902 complaints submitted to the center last year, 808 came from foreign tourists.

Complaints related to purchases accounted for 23.8% of the total number of complaints last year, or 215 cases. The main problem was price gouging, which accounted for 27.9% of complaints related to purchases, followed by tax refunds (24.7%) and refund and exchange policies (1%). For example, a Japanese tourist reported that he bought foot masks for 8000 won ($5.8) for a pack of 10 pieces, but 80,000 won were lured from him. A tourist from Hong Kong said she spent 5,900 won on a bottle of sesame seeds with a price of 4,000 won.

At the same time, one out of 10 complaints related to purchases is related to poor service. Another tourist from Hong Kong complained about her experience in a shoe store, where an employee yelled at her for trying on the shoes on display. Or the example from which the material began — there, a tourist from the UK was “humiliated” in her words at the rental point of hanbok, traditional Korean clothing. A store employee called her “too fat” in Korean after she tried on several hanboks to determine her size, a tourist complained.

In addition to shopping, taxi drivers predictably caused trouble for tourists — 170 complaints or 18.8% were received against them. Complaints about the placement were the third most common.

At the same time, it should be noted that South Korea has curtailed efforts to attract Russian tourists. But her extremely closed neighbor, North Korea, was actively engaged in it. Back in February, the first group of Russians flew to test local ski resorts (read here). In the summer season, tourists were even offered beach tours, and quite expensive ones – $ 1.2 — 1.4 thousand. Read the details here.


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