The main subject of dispute with the authorities is security. The construction is planned on the site of a sanitary protection zone, where underground there are communications for the discharge of hazardous waste from various research institutes, including those included in the structure of Rosatom
In the Moscow district of Shchukino, a tender was announced for the construction of a residential complex near the facilities of the Kurchatov Research Institute and the Gamalei Institute. The tender is being launched against the background of an acute conflict with local residents, who have been trying to resist the implementation of the project since last year.
The Mayor’s office has planned the development of the territory according to the renovation program along Rogova Street, 22-24. The draft decision appeared on the website of the mayor’s office last year. Since then, the chat rooms in the Shchukino district have been restless. Residents massively sign petitions against the development, attract expertise, deputies, and organize meetings in the Moscow City Duma.
The demolition of their property — garages half a century ago – is planned for the project. On there is a message about their withdrawal from the townspeople. As residents say, they were not offered an alternative. The Mayor’s office of Business FM assured that all copyright holders and garage owners will receive compensation. But people are not even worried about garages, but about what is under them, underground, emphasizes the ex-head of the Shchukino municipal district, deputy, resident of Shchukin Andrey Grebennik:
Andrey Grebennik, ex-head of the Shchukino municipal district, deputy, resident of Shchukin, “We have a compact cluster of scientific organizations that are associated with ensuring the country’s nuclear shield: the Kurchatov Institute, the Institute of Inorganic Materials, and the Institute of Biophysics. They are connected by a special communication system that pumps liquid radioactive waste to a liquid radioactive waste treatment plant. All these communications have security zones established by federal norms and rules, which do not allow any construction, and it is this site that the Moscow City Hall has included in the project. On this site, it is planned to build housing for 50 thousand square meters, a school for 125 places, a kindergarten for 100 places and a park. When this complex was created in Soviet times, there was a single complex of institutions and special communications. The garages served as a kind of cover so that potential enemies of the Motherland would not know where everything was located.”
The Bochvar Institute of Inorganic Materials, which is also located next to the disputed site, wrote to the Moscow City Property Department that nothing can be built within the sanitary protection zone according to federal standards, even a sports ground and a park. And that the borders of sanitary zones were approved by the Russian government 20 years ago (letters are at the disposal of Business FM).
Taking into account such support, the residents of Shchukin managed to hold a round table in the Moscow City Duma. Representatives of the relevant departments of the city hall were called, but they did not come, activists say. But Rosatom experts came, who, according to Andrei Grebennik, supported the concerns of Shchukin residents. However, the land is owned by the city, and, in any case, it has the right to dispose of it. How is another matter.
This is not the first time dangerous sites have been discovered in Moscow, said Vladimir Reshetov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, member of the Scientific and editorial Board of Rosnedra for geological mapping of the territory of the Russian Federation, participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident:
Vladimir Reshetov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, member of the Scientific and Editorial Board of Rosnedra for geological mapping of the territory of the Russian Federation, participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident “There will be a tender. For this money, it will be necessary to do a survey, a project. All construction documentation, if something is going to be built there, will go through several stages. The first stage is exploration. It is mandatory, it is prescribed in the Urban Planning Code, it is prescribed in the 20th decree of the government, if this is violated, then everyone will be imprisoned. Including engineering and environmental surveys, which include the assessment of chemical pollution, radioactive contamination, noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation – a very large list needs to be completed by designers and builders before the project comes to life, no matter what they build. Is there a risk of detecting radioactive contamination? There is such a risk. In Moscow, about a thousand of them were identified in the 1990s, all of them, thank God, were eliminated, I myself took part in such work. I support the residents’ concerns, they should ask the authorities questions, and the authorities should do everything in accordance with the law, and then everything will be safe. Residents are always against it: the city is developing, getting dirty around itself. Our task is to clean it all up.”
Earlier, the prefecture of the Northwestern District responded to activists that construction on the disputed site was impractical, but the Shchukin administration announced the tender. The initial price of the contract is 5.7 billion rubles. The area of the plot is more than a hectare.
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The complex of Urban Planning policy and Construction of Moscow responded to Business FM’s request that all right holders of real estate objects within the boundaries of the site were offered to conclude an agreement on the integrated development of the territory, the garage cooperative was informed. But the documents from the owners did not arrive on time, and the decision of the KTR was approved.
The site is now being vacated. The Mayor’s office emphasizes that engineering surveys and all necessary expertise will be carried out during the development of the project. They will assess compliance with environmental protection requirements, sanitary and epidemiological standards and requirements for the safe use of nuclear energy, industrial safety. It is emphasized that the territory on Rogova 22-24 is located outside the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, objects of the natural complex of Moscow.