Uzbekistan Airways holds a small one-day ticket sale

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Uzbekistan Airways проводит небольшую однодневную распродажу билетов

Uzbekistan Airways, the national airline of Uzbekistan, is holding a small one–day sale of air tickets to selected destinations, including Russian ones. Only from 00:00 to 23:59 Uzbek time on June 13, 2024, you can purchase travel documents with a 20 percent discount. The campaign includes flights from Tashkent to Dubai, Yekaterinburg, Kuala Lumpur and back; from Urgench to Bukhara; from Tashkent to Bukhara, Namangan, Nukus, Samarkand, Termez, Urgench, Ferghana and back. You will be able to fly with the purchased tickets on any dates that are in the system, that is, the special offer applies to all flights until the end of the published schedule.

The 20 percent discount does not apply to fees, taxes and various surcharges. You can buy discounted tickets on the airline’s official website, in its own mobile application, at the Uzbekistan Airways Sales branch in Tashkent and from agents.


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