The girl decided to visit her family in India and died on the plane from tuberculosis

young woman tragically died from tuberculosis on a plane to visit family in India

Daily Mail: the girl decided to visit her family in India and died on a Qantas flight

Девушка решила навестить семью в Индии и скончалась в самолете от туберкулеза

Photo: Thanakorn.P / Shutterstock / Fotodom

The girl, who lived in Australia, decided to visit her family in India and died of tuberculosis on the plane. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

24-year-old Manpreet Kaur was supposed to fly to her native Delhi, where she had not been for four years, on a Qantas flight from Melbourne. She felt unwell a few hours before the flight. When the girl boarded the plane, she lost consciousness and fell in the aisle near her seat.

The flight crew tried to give her first aid, but to no avail. The doctors stated that the cause was tuberculosis.

A tourist who was vacationing in Sochi earlier fell in the mountains and miraculously survived. The girl went for a walk in the woods with a friend, the couple did not register their hike. There, a Russian woman fell from a ten-meter height.


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