“Problems just have to be overcome.” The authorities offered to wait for the residents of the collapsed wing on Gorokhovaya Street

Residents of the collapsed wing on Gorokhovaya Street refused to issue certificates that their apartments were no longer there. At a meeting with residents, officials explained this by saying that they did not have the authority. One of the families is at risk of being left without mortgage insurance payments.

«Проблемы надо просто пережить». Жителям рухнувшего флигеля на Гороховой власти предложили подождать

Photo: Mikhail Ognev /

    The head of the Admiralteysky district administration, Sergei Overchuk, met with residents of the wing that collapsed in December at 73 Gorokhovaya Street. The participants shared an audio recording of the meeting with Fontanka.

    “We are gathered here so that you can be sure that the process is underway, and there was not even a thought that you were infringed in any way. We are well aware of mortgages and other issues,” the head of the district began the conversation and almost immediately gave the floor to the head of the local housing and communal services. He said that after the collapse of the house, letters were written to the settlement center, but they did not have time to stop charging the rent, so they recalculated everything next month.

    “You have not been charged more credits for housing services,” said the head of Housing and Communal Services. A resident of apartment 27 answered him — she said that she went into her personal account (she cannot get a paper receipt — the mailbox is buried under the rubble of the house) and saw a debt there, although she had paid everything regularly before. The head of the Housing and Communal Services assured that these are old charges. And the head of the district scolded subordinates for the fact that people cannot receive bills: “People have grief, there are more problems than necessary, but we did not provide for this — take all receipts to new addresses by tomorrow.” The fact is that in February, residents received charges for garbage collection and overhaul. “We were assured by the committee that the payment will not be charged. The amount that was accrued will be recalculated,” Overchuk promised.

    Just in case, the head of the administration decided to tell the residents of the house on Gorokhovaya about the difficulties in the area with other houses. As an example, he cited a newly renovated house, where they hang rooms on apartments for a very long time: “We have such a business! And the intercom hasn’t been working there for a month. And they tell me: residents don’t need to. Yes, you should have it. You understand, we do not always follow the dictates of a pike and a magic wand. But your fate is in the foreground. It’s just not all at once.”

    The phrase “not all at once” came in handy to describe the situation with the resettlement of the wing. As the head of the housing department of the administration Irina Veselova said, there were 11 apartments in the collapsed part of the house, 18 families lived in them — that’s 49 people. As a result, 15 families (38 people) were resettled, two families did not have the right to a maneuverable fund, and one family refused it.

    “We did not refuse, we were forced to refuse. We were offered an apartment that is not suitable for living. We were offered another one, where the conditions were also unsuitable. We didn’t have time to pick up our things, we have pets, a small child, and we are offered a one—bedroom with mold and construction debris,” said a resident who left the apartment on Gorokhovaya a couple of hours before the collapse.

    “The apartment is in excellent condition. She has already been given to another family,” an employee of the district administration objected.

    “We are requesting apartments in other areas. There are many apartments in our area that are recognized as emergency. We request in Kalininsky, Moskovsky and Tsentralny. Unfortunately, colleagues provide the same temporary housing,” explained Sergey Overchuk.

    Several tenants who received a maneuverable fund turned out to have huge rent debts inherited from previous residents. “This is a technical issue, we will solve it,” the head of the district said. “Well, yes, you’ve been deciding for several months now,” one of the residents chuckled.

    Residents also had questions about compensation — they were promised by the governor of St. Petersburg, they recalled. “Compensation for the loss of property is due only to those who could not take it away. You received an order that the house was in an emergency and could have done it,” the head of the district said. “But the house was not recognized as an emergency,” one of the participants of the meeting was outraged, just the one who left last and did not have time to pick up all the things and furniture.

    “You have to understand, this situation is not regular. That day, we went there in alarm, worried about everyone. My first question was: where is the last family? They are asleep, they answered me. I was delighted. Thank you for understanding. All issues will be resolved. These are everyday problems that will be settled, they must be experienced and enjoy life. There is no doubt that you will be provided for. Therefore, I will raise this issue regarding compensation. Why didn’t everyone get it… We need to figure it out. To involve some organizations, to ask for help… it’s better that we ourselves reset the administration staff and help you,” concluded Overchuk.

    At the end of the meeting, we talked about the certificate of the collapse of the house. It is needed for an organization that insures a mortgage loan. “We have a need,” said lawyer Sergei Tversky, who represents several families. One of the residents noticed that her insurance was running out: “They will demand the entire amount from us, and we will go bankrupt.”

    However, officials told the residents that they could not issue any certificates to them. “Writing a certificate that I do not have the right to sign is like asking passers—by on the street about it. But we can contact an insurance or mortgage company and ask for deferred payments. If I write what the press writes … Here is a correspondent of one publication who went to the next house. Did it help? This is speculation,” Overchuk said.

    According to representatives of the administration, an examination of the wreckage of the house is currently underway, in the near future it should be presented at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission, which will conclude that the house, more precisely, its preserved part and the ruins of the wing, are emergency. And only this decision, officials said at the meeting, can be a legitimate certificate of the collapse of the house. After some persuasion, Overchuk nevertheless agreed to think about the wording that he can use according to the law and which will be suitable for reference to the insurance company. He also promised one of the residents, whose husband missed the session due to the collapse of the house, to talk to the rector of the university so that he would not be expelled.

    «Проблемы надо просто пережить». Жителям рухнувшего флигеля на Гороховой власти предложили подождать

    Photo: Mikhail Ognev /

    The wing of the house at 73 Gorokhovaya Street collapsed on the night of December 20. There was no one inside, so there were no dead or injured. At the same time, the head of the Admiralteysky district, and later the governor of St. Petersburg, said that the last resident had been evicted only the day before. Representatives of this family told Fontanka why they were not satisfied with the maneuverable housing stock that they were offered, and also why, despite the 2020 examination, the entire house was not recognized as an emergency.


    Источник: www.fontanka.ru

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