The results showed that 45% of the survey participants are ready to consider buying such premises, and 6% already have similar assets. At the same time, 29% of respondents have not yet been interested in this issue, and 20% are confident that such an investment format is not suitable for them.
When choosing commercial real estate, respondents primarily paid attention to the presence of pedestrian traffic (36%). The rent level turned out to be significant for 29%. The developed infrastructure of the district plays an important role for 28% of respondents. The reliability of the developer is important for 4% of the survey participants, and for 3%, the prestige of the area is important.
Among the types of businesses most suitable for placement on the ground floors of residential buildings, pick-up points were in the first place, gaining 27%. Grocery stores were chosen by 26% of the respondents.
One fifth of the participants (20%) preferred to invest in beauty salons and hairdressers. For 9% of respondents, offices or coworking spaces are more attractive for investment. Cafes and restaurants were chosen by 7%, as well as pharmacies (7%), and 4% of the survey participants would open children’s centers.
When asked about the profitability of investing in commercial real estate, 44% noted that such investments can only be profitable in the long term. 25% found it difficult to answer. At the same time, 23% of the study participants replied that they consider it a good way to invest funds, while 8% considered them too risky.
– The profitability of investments in commercial real estate directly depends on an integrated approach to building, organizing infrastructure and ensuring stable human traffic. If a residential area provides residents with the opportunity to address key needs without leaving their residential complex, this significantly increases the liquidity of commercial real estate. People will prefer to use services nearby, and tenants of retail space will receive a steady stream of customers,” comments Anastasia Maslekha, Director of the Precisely Group of companies.
The main risk of investment for 45% of respondents was economic instability, and for a quarter of the survey participants (25%) – the high cost of maintaining such premises.
10% indicated low demand for rent, the same number of respondents (10%) noted possible changes in legislation. At the same time, 9% of respondents chose difficulties in selling such assets in the future. Another 1% noted other risks.