Analysts named the average age of apartments for sale in megacities

The youngest fund is represented in Krasnodar — here the average age of apartments for sale is about 13 years. The maximum age in Volgograd is 37 years

The average age of apartments for sale on the secondary market in the cities of millions of people in Russia was 28 years. Such data is contained in a study by CIAN analysts (statistics include data in ads on the platform).

It is noted that the indicator differs markedly from the city. According to analysts’ calculations, the youngest fund is represented in Krasnodar — here two out of three apartments for sale are in houses built over the past decade. And the average age of apartments for sale in this city is about 13 years.

Rostov-on-Don is in second place by a significant margin, where the average age of an apartment for sale reaches 21 years. Kazan closes the top three. In this city, experts estimate the average age of apartments on the secondary market at 24 years.

The oldest housing for sale among the million-plus cities is represented in Volgograd (37 years old), St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod (35 years old each). Analysts attribute this to the fact that in St. Petersburg a significant share of the supply is represented by pre-revolutionary houses, and in Volgograd and Nizhny Novgorod a large proportion of apartments for sale are in typical Soviet five-storey buildings.

Moscow was almost in the middle of this ranking, taking ninth place out of 16. In the capital, the average age of an apartment for sale was 30 years.

The average age of an apartment for sale on the secondary market in megacities

According to the CIAN, in general, in all major cities, most apartments are sold in recent new buildings (since 2015) — about 30% of the offer. The average cost of a “square” in newly commissioned houses is 164 thousand rubles. The most common fresh secondary products are found in Krasnodar (58%) and Rostov-on-Don (48%).

The second place is shared by post-Soviet monolithic and brick houses and Soviet panel and block high-rise buildings (more than five floors) — they account for 16% of the total supply in megacities.

The structure of supply in the secondary market of million-plus cities by type of development in 2019 and 2024

Apartments in pre—revolutionary houses are the least common – about 3% of the total supply in megacities. In such houses, prices are even slightly ahead of the fresh secondary market — on average it is about 167 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. Buyers in St. Petersburg have the greatest chance to settle in an apartment in such a house. Here, 13% of the apartments for sale are in pre-revolutionary houses.

The most affordable apartments are sold in Soviet five-storey buildings (the average price for millionaires is 1 sq. m. m is 117 thousand rubles) and in Soviet panel and block high-rise buildings (120 thousand rubles). Such apartments are on average 30% cheaper than newly commissioned new buildings and pre-revolutionary houses.

Recently, Sberbank’s Domclick named the regions with the cheapest studios and rooms. According to analysts’ calculations, the minimum cost of rooms for sale on the secondary market among Russian regions is noted in the Chelyabinsk region. The average cost of a room in the Chelyabinsk region, as calculated in Domclick, is 600 thousand rubles. The Republic of Bashkortostan is in second place in this indicator (700 thousand rubles), the Perm Territory is in third place (800 thousand rubles).

See also:

  • Megacities with the highest proportion of unsold new buildings are named
  • Moscow has taken the last place in terms of house price growth in five years
  • “They buy what they have enough money for”: what is happening with the demand for housing

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