Tourists will not be allowed to leave hotel reviews anonymously

Tourists will not be allowed to leave hotel reviews anonymously

Туристам не дадут оставлять отзывы об отелях анонимно

Tourists were offered to leave comments about hotels, airlines, and restaurants on special resources only after confirming their identity. They want to do this in Italy in the near future. A whole bill is being prepared there, according to which all online platforms will have to require review authors to tell them their real name and surname, and not just a nickname. 

You will also need to confirm that the author of the comment actually used the services. You can send a boarding pass, your own photo in the interior of a hotel or restaurant, and service receipts. 

In this way, they want to limit unfair competition, expose hidden advertising and eliminate fraud. Well, a temporary restriction will also be introduced for reviews – it will be possible to praise or criticize a place visited only within 14 days after the visit. And then suddenly everything has already been fixed there.

The innovation is being actively discussed by Russian tourists. Not everyone would be ready to accept such a format: a quarter of the 1.3 thousand who voted in the Roofs of Turdom poll in this case would leave their comments only in very rare cases. And another 16% would reject the reviews altogether.:

“Writing a review will turn into a quest. I have nothing against it, but I definitely don’t want to post photos of myself in the interior,” the tourists write. There are also those who consider the changes necessary: “It is a wise decision that will cut off the “hype” of positive comments. He will not allow competitors to throw unfounded negative reviews.” 

Earlier He wrote that a cyber unit had been set up in Indonesia to check tourists’ social networks.


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