Tourists got into a hole on the way to the airport and sued road workers for more than 260 thousand rubles for a nearly disrupted vacation

Tourists fell into a pothole on the way to the airport and decided to pay road workers over 260 thousand rubles for their vacation not to be ruined.

Туристы угодили в яму на пути в аэропорт и отсудили у дорожников более 260 тыс. руб. за чуть не сорвавшийся отдых

The tourists planned to go on vacation to Thailand from Kazakhstan, where they had to get from Yekaterinburg by car. However, they got into an accident on the way, the route had to be abruptly changed and additional losses had to be incurred. The travelers accused the road workers and decided to recover damages in court. 

According to the case file, Vyacheslav purchased Astana–Phuket air tickets for himself and his family, departing on the evening of December 25, 2022. However, early in the morning of the same day, on their way to Kazakhstan, passengers fell into a deep hole on the R-354 Yekaterinburg – Shadrinsk–Kurgan highway. The car was seriously damaged and could not go any further. 

Tourists were forced to return to Yekaterinburg and urgently buy tickets to Astana in order to catch a flight to Thailand. As a result, they had to additionally pay more than 105 thousand rubles for the flight. At the same time, the restoration of the car, according to experts, will cost another 160 thousand rubles. Vyacheslav appealed to the Verkhny Isetsky district Court of the Ural capital with a demand to JSC Sverdlovskavtodor to compensate for damage for car repairs, tickets to Kazakhstan, as well as moral damage – 30 thousand rubles and lawyer’s expenses (also 30 thousand rubles).

The court found that the proper defendant was Soyuz Avtodor LLC, which, under a state contract, was supposed to maintain a section of road with a pit, ensuring traffic safety. As a result of the case, the judge sided with the tourists. They are partially compensated for moral damage, the cost of tickets to Astana, the restoration of a car and the services of a lawyer. A total of 262 thousand rubles. In turn, Soyuz Avtodor LLC tried to appeal the decision to a higher authority, but was refused. 


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