Tourists are confused by the ambiguous design of bathrooms in hotels

Туристов смущает неоднозначный дизайн санузлов в отелях

Reports periodically appear in travel agency chats that tourists are not satisfied with the ambiguous design solutions often found in modern hotels. 

Just today, the subject of discussion was once again the dissatisfaction of customers with a hotel room in Turkey. In an expensive 5* hotel, they were offered a family room, where instead of a door to the bathroom there is a cloth curtain. At the same time, the toilet is not even isolated by at least a symbolic partition. Tourists, outraged by the complete lack of privacy, demand to provide them with other accommodation.   

The topic evoked a lively response from the followers of the TG channel “Roof of the Tourist house”. We asked subscribers if they had encountered similar options on vacation and if they were ready to live in a room if it was impossible to retire to the bathroom. 

Judging by the comments, many people have nothing against the original bright design: “Bathrooms with glass walls are super. They are usually equipped with controllable blinds, which can be lowered if necessary. I lived in a room like this in a Portuguese hotel – everything is glass, right up to the balcony railing. A lot of light”, “At the agriturismo in Italy, I had a bathroom with a huge window that offered a picturesque view of the surrounding area. It’s beautiful!” Some vacationers in hot resorts like it when a bathtub or Jacuzzi is installed on the balcony, if, of course, there is an opportunity to hide from the eyes of outsiders, and inside the room there is a full bathroom. 

But ill-conceived solutions implemented for the sake of originality, but creating inconvenience to guests, tourists do not like: “On Hainan, the family room was “pleased” with a Jacuzzi in the middle of the room and a toilet without any blinds. In one of the two bedrooms there was only a toilet and a sink, that is, it is assumed that all residents should use a shower, separated from the second bedroom only by a transparent glass partition. But what if, for example, there is a family with adult children in the room?”, “In a hotel in Phuket, the glass door of the compartment was closed either only the shower room or the toilet – one at a time, to choose from. And this whole structure is right in front of the bed – apparently, instead of a TV, which was attached to the ceiling with a barbell somewhere to the side in the most inconvenient place,” our subscribers give examples of dubious solutions.

Earlier we wrote that tourists were confused by the quality and variety of food in one of the resort hotels in Turkey.


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