The fastest way to get a Green Card in 2025: top 5 methods of obtaining a residence permit in the United States

The fastest way to get a Green Card in 2025: top 5 methods of obtaining a residence permit in the United States

Самый быстрый способ получить Green Card в 2025 году: топ 5 методов оформления вида на жительство в США

Obtaining a Green Card in the United States can be quite difficult, especially for applicants who come from countries with high demand. Find out which ways to apply for a residence permit in the United States will be the best in 2025.

Green Card (Permanent Resident Card) is the key to living and working in the USA without visa restrictions, as well as to citizenship. The US immigration system allows foreigners to obtain a residence permit in the country in various ways. And although, at first glance, the procedure for obtaining a permit may be quite complicated, the simplest ways to apply for a Green Card allow a foreigner to simplify moving to the United States.

Green Card categories and established quotas

In the US immigration system, the ways to obtain a Green Card can be divided into two large groups:

1. Family ties

– Close relatives – this group includes spouses, children under the age of 21, and parents of U.S. citizens over the age of 21. There are no quotas for the annual number of Green Cards for a group of foreigners.

– More distant relatives – cover the rest of the family. A limit of 226,000 visas has been set for this category of foreigners in 2025.

2. Based on employment

They are divided into visas from EB-1 to EB-5. The annual quota for this permit is 140,000. There is also a limit of 7% for each state.


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