China is an amazing country of the East, which is full of its secrets and mysteries. Vast territories of China are spread over the expanses of Asia in its central and eastern parts. The history of this Asian country dates back thousands of years. Today, this country preserves the richest historical heritage of the past and has promising prospects for the future. Loyalty to the traditions of an ancient civilization and the frenzied pace of life in modern megacities are intertwined here. As for the climate of China, it is very diverse and varies significantly from north to south. If in the north it is the endless steppes, which are often covered with snow in winter, then in the south it is the sun, the warm sea and an abundance of tropical vegetation. Almost all the sights of China reflect the unique flavor of this country. China today is famous for its excellent opportunities for tourism and recreation. Original culture and centuries—old traditions, climatic diversity and picturesque nature – all this can satisfy the thirst for knowledge and adventure. Even the most sophisticated travelers will find something to see in China.
What to see in China first of all
Travelers have the opportunity to explore the monuments and natural wonders on their own or with an accompanying person. Russian-speaking guides are not uncommon in China, so there is someone to choose from. But first, decide which attractions you want to visit and in what order.
1. The Great Wall of China (North China)
Bends of the Great Wall of China
Perhaps there is no such structure in the world that would arouse so much interest among scientists, travelers, builders and ordinary people as the Great Wall of China. The process of its construction gave rise to a lot of rumors and beliefs, cost incredible efforts and enormous costs, depriving the lives of hundreds of thousands of people involved in the construction.
The Great Wall of China is an impressive landmark of China, a grandiose monument of antiquity and is considered the longest structure in the world erected for defense purposes. It runs through Northern China for almost 9 thousand kilometers. According to other data, if we take into account all the turns and bends of the wall, its length will be about 21 thousand kilometers. The height of the structure is about 7 meters. And the width is 6 meters. On the inside, the wall is protected by a special 0.9 meter high barrier.
How was the Great Wall of China formed? In the period from the 5th to the 2nd century BC, wars of conquest were waged between the Chinese kingdoms, so the future state was formed. But while the state was fragmented, many kingdoms were raided by nomadic Hunnu tribes from the north. Therefore, each of these kingdoms began to erect protective fences made of ordinary earth, which eventually collapsed and could not withstand the onslaught of enemies. Over time, this unfortunate experience forced the use of other materials for strengthening — not rammed earth, but stone blocks held together with a mixture of rice glue and slaked lime.
About a fifth of the country’s population participated in the construction of the great structure. The construction process was carried out in extremely difficult working conditions, so the number of deaths was estimated here in the hundreds of thousands of people.
Today, the Great Wall of China has become a symbol of national pride and the government is spending huge amounts of money to preserve this architectural monument, hoping to preserve the wall for posterity.
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2. Potala Palace (Lhasa, Tibet)
The Potala Palace
The Royal Palace and the Buddhist temple complex of Lhasa, located in Tibet at an altitude of 3.8 km above sea level, is an important landmark of China among the shrines. The palace served as the main residence of the Dalai Lama. No palace in the world is located as high in the mountains as the Potala. The name of the complex itself comes from the name of the sacred Indian mountain, which, according to legends, is inhabited by the deity Guan Yin, the patroness of the South Sea and its fishermen.
Thousands of tourists and pilgrims visit the Potala Palace every year. The path up the mountain is long, and in the middle of the way there is a large-scale terrace with an area of 1600 sq. m. meters. Plt According to historical records, solemn sacred ceremonies have been held since 1653.
- The palace building consists of two parts — the eastern part of Pochangabo, which serves as the residence of the Dalai Lamas, and the central part of Pochangmabo, which houses Buddhist halls and funeral pagodas. The Pozhanmabo (Red Palace) is considered the main building of the temple and includes 8 tombs, the most luxurious of which is the tomb of the Dalai Lama the Fifth, covered with a sheet of gold weighing 3.7 tons and encrusted with precious stones. This palace was a place of offering prayers in the name of the Buddha and burial ceremonies. The Pochangabo (White Palace) includes the Large Oriental and Sunny Pavilions, as well as the living quarters of the Dalai Lama’s mentors and government offices. Religious and political events, including enthronement ceremonies, were regularly held in the great Eastern Pavilion.
3. Terracotta Army (Xi’an, Shaanxi Province)
Warriors of the Terracotta Army
Not far from the city of Xi’an, in Shaanxi province, there is a colossal landmark in China — a military garrison of many thousands, but not military, but clay statues with a height of 1.9 — 1.95 meters. This wonder of the world is known as the Terracotta Army, and its history goes back more than 2 thousand years. In total, the underground burials include at least 8,099 statues of Chinese warriors and their horses made of terracotta clay. The unusual clay army was buried with the first emperor of Qin-Shin Shi Huang, who united the kingdoms of China into a single state.
How was the underground find discovered? One day, the farmer Yan Ji Wang, digging a well on his site, discovered the figure of an ancient warrior underground, and subsequent excavations showed that the statue is far from alone here. Later, archaeologists discovered several thousand such warriors — the construction of the Terracotta army began back in 247 BC, and about 700 thousand craftsmen took part in it. Yan Ji at one time discovered the main combat unit of 6,000 statues, in 1980 a second column of 2,000 statues was excavated, in 1994 the general staff of the highest military commanders. Excavations continue to this day.
But why did the Chinese have to spend so much effort and time to create such a large-scale historical monument? The fact is that the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, at one time ordered an army of 4,000 young soldiers to be buried with him, but his advisers were able to convince him not to commit this barbaric act. Then it was decided to build clay figures of warriors instead of people.
The terracotta army is striking in its scope and is included in the list of the most famous historical monuments in the world. If you are lucky enough to travel in Asia, you will find something to see in China — be sure to visit the Terracotta Army Museum.
4. The Giant Buddha in Leshan (Sichuan province)
Stone statue of a giant Buddha
In China’s Sichuan province, under the city of Leshan, a huge 71—meter-high Buddha sculpture is carved right into the rock – one of the oldest sculptures in the world. The landmark of China in the form of a giant Buddha is located at the confluence of three rivers, the oncoming streams of which form dangerous whirlpools. Many local residents and fishermen died in these streams, so, according to legend, the monk Hai Tong decided to tame the elements by carving an image of the deity in the rock. In 713, he began work, but over the years of his life he managed to carve a giant statue of the Buddha only up to his knees, and later the work was continued by the monk’s followers, and about a century later the statue was ready.
Cutting down the sculpture, workers threw fragments of rock directly into the river, which allowed the stormy water flows to be partially filled in. That’s how it turned out that the Buddha tamed the water element.
Until the middle of the 17th century, the stone body of the Buddha was hidden by the 13-storey Dasyange Temple, after which the temple burned down and the Buddha statue was opened to public view. A huge Buddha sits facing the sacred Emeishan Mountain, his head 15 meters high ends where the rock itself ends. The Buddha wears a stone tunic, through the folds of which there is an outflow of rainwater, which protects the rock from erosion. Images of 90 Bodhisattvas are carved in the surrounding walls, and a 38-meter pagoda and a temple with a park are built at the head.
Despite the fact that when carving the statue, a number of protective functions were thought out to prevent erosion, the rock still began to decompose. In 1960, the Chinese government organized the reconstruction of the statue, inside which drainage structures were now artfully laid. Since then, the statue of the giant Buddha has been preserved in excellent condition and is open to numerous visitors.
Be sure to watch this beautiful video about China!
5. Hong Kong (South coast of China)
Scuba junk with scarlet sails in Victoria Harbor
Hong Kong is a city on the southern coast of China, located on more than 260 islands and has its own special social, economic and political status. Today it is also a major financial and business center, which plays a leading role on the world stage. Hong Kong is of great value from the point of view of tourism, because the Western way of life here is closely intertwined with the oldest traditions of the people, and ultramodern skyscrapers, propping up clouds with their roofs, contrast with simple village houses.
What to visit in China if you find yourself in such a modern and developed city as Hong Kong? There are so many attractions here that even a multi-day trip will not be enough to explore them.
- Lantau Island is the largest island in Hong Kong, where there are quiet beaches and lively entertainment centers; Yeng Hau Temple — an ancient temple in traditional Chinese style, especially revered by fishermen; Pat Sin Leng Mountain Country Park — a system of picturesque natural landscapes of the mentioned mountains; oceanic Park — a world-class entertainment facility aimed at exploring the marine underwater life; Hopewell Centre — one of the tallest skyscrapers in Asia with a complex system of escalators, a circular rooftop pool and a rotating panoramic restaurant; Qingma Bridge — a suspension bridge, one of the top 10 longest bridges in the world; Citywalk – a large shopping center with numerous shops for clothing, accessories, jewelry and groceries; Ngong-Ping 360 is the largest cable car in Asia with a length of 5.7 kilometers.
6. Shaolin (Henan Province)
Shaolin Monastery Complex
Shaolin Monastery is the oldest Buddhist shrine and the world—famous landmark of China, located in Henan Province, in an extraordinarily beautiful setting of forests and mountains. This place has long preserved the sacred spirit, because back in the 5th century AD, a Taoist temple was founded here, which was occupied by supporters of Buddhism during the period of religious oppression. By this time, Buddhism had already taken a solid position in the north of China, and this contributed to the foundation of new monasteries.
The founder of the Shaolin monastery is considered to be the Indian preacher Bato. And the person who helped martial arts arise and develop in Shaolin was another Indian missionary, Bodhidharma. Arriving in Shaolin in 527, Bodhidharma instilled a fighting spirit in the monks of the monastery. He developed a system of special exercises designed to strengthen physical fitness during a long stay in a state of meditation. This set of exercises subsequently laid the foundation for all areas of Chinese martial arts.
The place of foundation of the monastery was chosen for a reason — on Mount Songshan, shaped like a lotus. Over the centuries, Shaolin has repeatedly changed its appearance, but in the 20th century, with the opening of a tourist center here, it underwent a total restoration.
For many centuries, Shaolin has been a place of pilgrimage for adherents of various martial arts.
The temple complex includes several halls.
In the back of the monastery, the Snow Hall, there is a place marked where, according to legend, Monk Huihe, in order to introduce Buddhism, cut off his palm.
In the Saw room, namely in the floor of the room, there are many holes for foot training.
The Chuipu Hall houses sculptures made of terracotta sandstone, demonstrating various techniques of Shaolin boxing.
If you climb up the slope above the monastery, you can visit the cave where, according to legend, Bodhidharma spent 9 years in meditation in a row.
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7. Monkey Island Nature Reserve (Sanya)
Monkey Paradise in the Monkey Island Nature Reserve
China is famous for its unusual sights, and the first thing to visit in China is among such places is the Monkey Island Nature Reserve near the city of Sanya. After all, this is the only reserve in which monkeys live in their natural environment, but at the same time freely and fearlessly cooperate with visitors.
The Monkey Island Nature Reserve is located on an area of about a thousand hectares and is a haven for 2,000 monkeys. You can get here by boat or by cable car, which in itself is a landmark in China. Its length is more than 2 kilometers, which can be overcome in just 6 minutes. Along the way, you will enjoy wonderful views of the sea and mountains.
The nimble and intelligent inhabitants of the reserve are accustomed to people — they freely approach visitors and willingly contact them, therefore, when visiting the territory of the reserve, it is worth following a few simple rules. For example, you should not wear shiny and sparkling jewelry that attracts attention, because curious animals can easily steal these valuable items. The attention of monkeys can be attracted by a camera, and even a bottle of water. You are not allowed to feed the monkeys yourself here — you can only buy food and give it to the attendant of the reserve so that he feeds them from his hands in front of your eyes. Another favorite entertainment in the reserve is the show of trained monkeys. The wards show wonders of dexterity and ingenuity, delighting the audience with funny tricks.
Returning from the island by boat, you can have lunch in a cozy restaurant located right on the water, and taste a variety of seafood dishes.
8. The Forbidden City (Beijing)
The Imperial Palace in Beijing
The Imperial Palace in Beijing, built in 1420, has been the residence of emperors for many centuries — a total of 24 emperors lived here at different times with their families. The entire royal retinue was located behind these walls, and for a long time outsiders were forbidden to enter here, hence the second name of the palace — the Forbidden City.
The construction of the Forbidden City, which began in 1406, lasted for 14 years, about a million builders and more than a hundred thousand other specialists participated in its construction — talented artists, masters of stone and wood carving, and many others. This magnificent landmark of China, on which so many craftsmen have worked skillfully, is included in the World Heritage List of Mankind.
Initially, the full name of the Imperial Palace sounded like Zijingcheng, which translated as the Forbidden Purple City, but later the new name almost replaced the first one. It became known as Gugun, which means the Palace of the former rulers. The building is often referred to as the Winter Imperial Palace, since the emperors visited it more often in winter, and other country residences were provided for the summer.
The Forbidden City, located in the center of Beijing, has the shape of a rectangle, with watchtowers at the corners. The entire complex of the Imperial Palace includes 9999 structures covering an area of 72 hectares — this creation is colossal in its scope. In the northern part of this territory there is an Imperial Garden of indescribable beauty, with stone pools, gazebos, pavilions and, of course, an abundance of plants. In short, you will have no doubt what to see in China — be sure to include the Imperial Palace Complex in the travel program.
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9. Temple of the Refuge of the Soul (Mount Failai)
Stone statues of Buddha in the temple of the Refuge of the Soul
On the western slope of Mount Feilai in China, there is the most ancient temple of Zen Buddhism in all of southeastern China – the temple of the Refuge of the Soul, founded by the Indian monk Hui Li back in 326. Throughout the 16th centuries of its existence, this landmark of China has undergone a lot of destruction and rebuilding — history has preserved data on twelve of its thorough reconstructions. The modern structures in the form in which they are now presented were erected in the 17th century during the reign of the Qing Dynasty. According to one of the legends that exists about the temple, Monk Hui Li was so impressed by the extraordinary beauty of these places that he considered them as a “place of refuge for saints.” Hence the name of the shrine founded here — the temple of the Refuge of the soul.
Today the monastery includes several rooms — from north to south there are three main pavilions.
- The Hall of the Heavenly Lords houses the statue of Maitreya Buddha and the statue of Skanda Buddha, carved from the trunk of a camphor tree, which is over 700 years old. The ceiling of the hall is lavishly decorated with elaborate ornaments. The Mahavira Hall is decorated in a traditional Chinese style with three levels of cornices, in the center of which is a golden statue of Shakyamuni Buddha sitting on a lotus throne. The Hall of the Healing Buddha, reconstructed relatively recently, houses a golden statue of the Buddha on its altar, with statues of the Sun and Moon on both sides of it.
Other important rooms are located around the central pavilions:
- The Huayan Hall with statues of Buddhas made of precious Burmese wood; the hall of Five Hundred Arhats with bronze sculptures of various Buddhist saints; the sutra library — includes ancient collections of sayings, including the ancient sutra on palm leaves and a handwritten Diamond Sutra made by the calligrapher Dong Qichang.
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10. The Edge of the World Nature Park (Hainan Island)
A path in the Edge of the World Park on Hainan Island
One of the most outstanding attractions of China, located on Hainan Island, is the natural park “Edge of the World”. This is the easternmost tip of the Shandong Peninsula, and South Korea is only 174 kilometers away by sea.
This wonderful place is located right on the seashore, at an altitude of 200 meters, and occupies only 2.5 square kilometers in area. The local landscapes are characterized by special beauty — high rocks of intricate shapes frame the blue sea, stormy waves break on steep shores, everywhere the greenery of trees.
It is ideal to take leisurely walks here: a wide central alley leads directly to a snow-white beach with a clear sea. The wide strip of sandy beach framing the park is complemented by huge stones, whose bizarre outlines were given by nature itself, through wind, water and the sun. Hieroglyphs with various philosophical sayings are even carved on many boulders. A strip of palm trees stretches along the western beach of the park, while on the eastern beach the vegetation is real tropics with rich vegetation and ponds.
In addition, the park’s territories preserve a centuries—old history – there were military disputes during the Tang, Sui, Qing, and Ming dynasties, and defense was carried out during the Sino-Japanese War. Therefore, there are its own attractions here — the Qinshihuang Temple, the Mountain of Light, the old bridge, the stone of the Qin Dynasty, shark shooting ranges, stone city. For vacationers, it is also possible to rent electric cars and motorboats.
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Sights of China: what else to visit while in China
In fact, all excursions in China can bring a lot of positive emotions and new experiences. If the most popular tourist sites are not for you, we offer several places that are not so famous, but no less beautiful and unusual. The attractions are located in different parts of the country, so consider the time and transportation costs.
11. Xihu Lake (Hengzhou)
Arched stone bridge on Xihu Lake in Hengzhou
There is one place in China that is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places in the country. This is Lake Xihu, which means Western Lake. The fact is that the lake, located in the city of Hengzhou, was once located outside of it, namely in the west. Since then, the city has grown significantly, and Sihu has entered its borders, but the name has remained the same.
The extraordinarily picturesque landmark of China is surrounded by contrasting landscapes: on the one hand, these are urban neighborhoods, on the other — majestic mountains, behind the carved border of which the sun sets every evening. Xihu Lake brings its visitors an extraordinary joy from contemplating the surrounding landscapes: the wide and quiet surface of the lake, delicate willows, branches descending to the water, numerous gazebos, pagodas, bridges, lotuses and irises, ships and islets — all this merges into a harmonious panorama of rare beauty. It is not surprising that not only Chinese people, but also many guests of the country, seek to visit this lake in China.
The average depth of Xihu is 2.3 meters, and the area is about 6.5 square kilometers. The lake owes its arrangement to two poets-governors, who, impressed by the beauty of this place, sang it in their poems. In addition, they have done a lot to improve the coastal area of Sihu. Two dams, Sudi and Baidi, are named after them.
- The Sudi Dam, named after the poet Su Dongpo, is 2.6 kilometers long and has 6 arched bridges. The governor also organized large-scale work to clean up the lake, and the clay extracted from the bottom of the lake was just used to build a dam. From the Baidi Dam, built by order of Governor Bai Juyi, you can admire the dizzying scenery. In addition, a dam designed to protect the waters of the lake for irrigation of fields connects the shore of the lake with the largest island of the lake — Gushan.
12. Lotus mountains of Lianhuashan (20 km from Guangzhou)
View of the Lotus mountains of Lianhuashan
An unusual and very popular place, Lianhuashan, is located 20 kilometers from Guangzhou. This is a mountain system that unites about 50 hills on the banks of the Shizi River. The average height of these hills is about 100 meters, so it is not a mountain system in the usual sense, but rather a system of hills.
Once in ancient times, these hills were called the Stone Lion’s Head, and the main hill among them is the Lotus, or Lian Hua. It was so named because the huge stone at the top resembled a lotus flower in its outlines. Most likely, this form of stone was achieved in ancient times, when the Chinese were mining the rock here, extracting building material. Therefore, the same “lotus” could have been formed as a result of the fusion of natural processes and anthropogenic activities.
Additionally, the unusual landscape is decorated with the ancient Lian Hua Tower, which once served as a lighthouse for passing ships.
Today, the Lotus Mountains of Lianhuashan are under state protection as a historical heritage site and a popular tourist attraction in China. There is an ancient Lotus Pagoda on the hills, built in 1612 during the reign of the Wanli Emperor. As well as the ruins of the Lotus City, built in 1664 under the Kangxi Emperor. A huge 41-meter Buddha statue was also erected here in 1994, the tallest in the world at the present time. The statue is cast in bronze, covered with gold, and its weight is 120 tons.
13. Jiuzhaigou Valley (Sichuan Province)
The beauty of the pristine nature of Jiuzhaigou Valley
The nature of China is extremely rich and numerous guests will always find something to see in China. And now we will talk about one of these places. In the south-west of the country, near the city of Chengdu, there is an extraordinarily beautiful Jiuzhaigou Valley. It is simply impossible not to admire the richness and diversity of the local nature: crystal clear, transparent lakes with different shades of water are interspersed with stormy and rushing waterfalls, and rare species of animals and birds live in untouched wild forests.
The valley is located in a remote area of about 250 square kilometers. The tourist route to the valley was opened not so long ago, in 1972. A little later, the reserve acquired the status of a national park, and in 1992 it was included in the UNESCO list.
Translated from Chinese, the name of Jiuzhaigou Valley sounds like the valley of nine settlements. This is true — historical documents confirm the existence of 9 villages in the valley that were once inhabited by Tibetans. Nowadays, people live in seven of these settlements.
The territory of the valley is richly covered with dense forests and bamboo groves, rare plant species grow here. Many animals inhabiting the reserve are listed in the Red Book as rare endangered species. These include the panda, the golden monkey and many species of songbirds.
The territory of the park includes three large valleys located in the lowlands, and in each of them there are numerous lakes of extraordinary beauty. There are 108 such lakes in the valley. Connected by rivers and rushing waterfalls.
Due to the fact that this beautiful landmark of China is located in a remote area, the journey here will take at least 10 hours by car. But these time costs are undoubtedly worth the vivid impressions that a trip to Jiuzhaigou Valley will leave.
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14. Tombs of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasty (Beijing)
Square pavilion with a bixi turtle at the entrance to the burial complex of the 13th Minsk Emperors ofol
The splendor of the imperial palaces, the living memory of the creators of the revolution, the richest cultural heritage collected bit by bit over the millennia — all this is represented by the modern capital of China. The sights of Beijing are so numerous that there are enough of them in this city for the whole country. One of the national treasures is located about 50 kilometers north of the capital and is a complex of tombs in which 13 of the 16 emperors of the glorious Ming dynasty, as well as empresses, princes and concubines are buried. The valley where the tombs are located is the largest burial complex in the country in terms of area — its territories cover about 40 square kilometers. The burial site itself was not chosen by chance, but according to the rules of Feng Shui — mountains surround it from the east, north and west, and flat lands were located to the south, where Beijing is now built.
15. Summer Imperial Palace (Beijing)
Summer Imperial Palace with historical architecture, lake and boat on the outskirts of Beijing
On the outskirts of Beijing, there is a beautiful park complex, a true work of art by ancient landscape craftsmen. According to the original plan of the Chinese rulers, this park was a place of contemplation, the meaning of which was to prolong life. The palace complex itself was built back in the 12th century on Yuquan Hill. There are about 3 thousand architectural objects on the territory of the complex, including numerous gazebos, bridges, temples and pavilions. The summer residence was intended exclusively for the recreation of imperial families, state councils were not gathered here and foreign ambassadors were not received — the world’s largest palace complex called the Forbidden City, or Gugun, which means “The Palace of the former rulers”, was intended for these purposes.
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16. Temple of Heaven (Beijing)
Prayer hall for a good harvest on a three-tiered round white stone platform in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing
The status of the most important religious landmark in Beijing and a valuable cultural object is the ancient temple complex, called the Temple of Heaven. It was here that the Emperor of China performed his prayers, asking heaven for the harvest and well-being of the whole country. Due to the fact that it was originally a temple of Heaven and Earth, the complex has retained a symbolic layout — for example, its northern part is made in the form of a semicircle symbolizing the sky, and the southern part is in the form of a square symbolizing the Earth. The Harvest Temple is the central and most important building of the complex, it is made in the form of a three—level circular building on a marble base. It was the inner Prayer Hall that the emperors visited for 2 centuries, who offered gifts to Heaven and prayed for the harvest. And in another building of the complex, the Heavenly Shelter, the ruler was preparing for the ceremony and performing a three-day fast.
17. Bund (Shanghai)
Vacationers on the Bund or Bund waterfront along the Huangpu Coast in Shanghai Daniel Case
One of the most atmospheric places in Shanghai is the Bund, a one—and-a-half-kilometer stretch of Sun Yat-sen Street near the Old City, taking visitors to the heart of Europe right in the middle of the Chinese metropolis. This distinctive corner attracts with an extraordinary urban panorama, which is especially magnificent at night, when it is illuminated and reflected in the waters of the Huangpu River. An amazing contrast against the background of familiar panoramas is made up of historical European buildings that were built at the beginning of the last century during the period when the city was the gateway to Europe. The most recognizable of these structures are the Customs Building, which is remembered for its large clock, and the European Bank building. You can take a boat ride along the embankment, and the best views of the city can be admired from the Jin Mao site.
18. Pudong New District (Shanghai)
Skyscrapers in the Lujiazui International Financial Center of Pudong New District in Shanghai
Shanghai is a bustling megalopolis of millions, and there are a lot of diverse neighborhoods, but only a few of them attract special attention. Thus, Pudong district, located on the eastern shore of Huangpu, is a popular tourist destination due to the location of the bulk of the city’s attractions in this area. More recently, there were agricultural lands on these lands where vegetables and fruits were grown. Today, it is the most modern and dynamically growing area with a lot of international companies operating in advanced economic sectors. In some two or three decades, a forest of skyscrapers grew here, foreign firms, companies, and offices appeared. The most notable buildings of the district are the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Science Museum and the Jinmao Tower.
19. Victoria Bay (Hong Kong)
Tourist wooden sailboat in Victoria Bay in Hong Kong
View of Victoria Bay at night from Victoria Peak in Hong Kong
The real pride and symbol of Hong Kong has become Victoria Bay, the beauty of which is not the natural landscape, but the ultramodern city panoramas. This Asian pearl is located between two islands — Hong Kong and Kowloon. And its embankment is one of the most beautiful places where the eye is attracted by the overview of magnificent modern architecture, which opens from the opposite part of the rounded coast. This coastal street has become a favorite walking place for citizens and guests, so there are a lot of cafes, restaurants, shops, souvenir shops, as well as boutiques, art galleries and a large entertainment center. One of the highlights of the bay is the laser show, when thousands of colored lights light up over the harbor and fireworks soar into the sky.
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20. Lijiang Old Town (Yunnan Province)
Wooden facades of traditional Chinese houses in the old town of Lijiang
Night landscape in the old town of Lijiang in the south of the Tibetan Plateau in Yunnan Province
An ancient city is located in the foothills of the Himalayas in Yunnan Province, which many centuries ago lay on the Tea and Silk Roads and was an important cultural and commercial center. We are talking about the Old City in Likiang, now included in the World Heritage List. The city preserves authentic buildings with tiled roofs, although it is worth remembering that most of these buildings are skillfully erected copies of demolished old structures. The whole town forms a single composition with the waters of the Yuquanhe River, which, splitting into 3 branches, seems to permeate all the streets, and everywhere there are elegant bridges spanning numerous streams. Dozens of narrow cobbled streets are intricately intertwined with each other, and the houses in the national style are originally inscribed in the surrounding mountain landscape.
21. Zhouzhuang (Jiangsu Province)
The Chinese town of Zhouzhuang on the Jinghan Canal in Jiangsu Province
Boats on the “street” among the ancient houses of Zhouzhuang town in Jiangsu province
Eastern Venice is one of the most beautiful Chinese cities on the water. This is Zhouzhuang, an ancient settlement on the Jinghan Canal connecting the cities of Suzhou and Shanghai. This place is a protected area, which is appreciated due to the authentic antiquity preserved here, and not its imitation. The city is surrounded by a large number of rivers and lakes, which fill numerous channels with their waters from all sides. The main attraction is the 14 ancient bridges, which were built during the reign of Qing and Ming. White houses with curved tiled roofs are lined up everywhere along the canals, and the old mansions of rich people are especially striking — some of them are built so that their front doors can only be reached by boat through their own mini-canal.
22. City Wall (Xi’an)
Watchtowers of the Ming City Wall in Xi’an
A pleasant walk on the city wall in Xi’an Maros M r a z (Maros)
Among the most recognizable objects of world architecture, it is worth mentioning the Great Wall of China, which stretches from west to east of the country. This ancient system of defensive fortifications has been preserved in the best way in the city of Xi’an — here it encircles the old city, and its northern part stretches right along the railway. Climbing the wall today, you can see the obvious contrast between the appearance of the city inside the wall and outside it. On one side is the old town, which has preserved the outlines of an ancient geometric layout, on the other side are modern skyscrapers, bright modern facades and busy highways. It is worth noting that not only the Chinese Wall is well preserved in Xi’an, but also another historical treasure — a terracotta army of 8 thousand clay statues of soldiers and horses, made in full size.
23. Shilin National Park (southwest China)
The unique landscape of the Stone Forest National Park in China
The geological phenomenon in the form of a stone forest is a recognizable natural find, which is famous for the Shilin National Park. The reserve itself is 350 square kilometers of picturesque territories, with a predominance of rocky formations. In addition to the stone forests, there are many other beautiful places here — mirrored lakes, mysterious caves and grottoes, magnificent meadows and pristine forests. From the point of view of geologists, the Stone Forest is a classic example of karst formations. It is believed that the bizarre rocky formations here began to form hundreds of millions of years ago, when, in the process of frequent earthquakes, the earth’s layer rose and exposed the rocks, and water erosion completed the creative natural process, giving the rocks amazing outlines.
24. The Hanging Monastery of Xuankong-si (Shanxi Province)
Xuankong-si Temple Complex (Hanging Monastery) on a cliff near the sacred Hengshan Mountain in China
Statues inside the Xuankong Si Monastery in Shanxi Province in China
The talent of ancient Chinese masters has always impressed with inimitable creations, and even today, after many centuries, some architectural creations continue to amaze — a striking example is the hanging monastery of Xuankong-si, which is literally on the very edge of a rocky cliff. The impression is enhanced by the fact that this creation was built back in the 5th century. The monastery complex consists of three sections arranged sequentially, each one a level higher than the previous one. And only the lower one has a solid brick foundation, while the rest rely on wooden piles — it is surprising how such shaky supports managed to hold the structures for many centuries. The role of the back wall in all the buildings of the monastery is performed by the rock itself, and special depressions have been carved into the stone firmament to accommodate some statues.
25. Suzhou Gardens (Jiangsu Province)
Beautiful circular gate in the “Garden of a humble official” in Suzhou
Bridge in the 16th century Chinese Garden of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province
Suzhou Gardens are an example of traditional Chinese landscape art
A vacation in Suzhou gives tourists a double impression — on the one hand, the city gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of antiquity, as if you were several centuries ago. But there is another Suzhou — a modern, noisy, economically developed center with an active urban rhythm of life. Gardens and parks are the main pride of the city, so when purchasing last—minute tours to Suzhou, it is worth planning a visit to the magnificent gardens — several dozen classical courtyards of imperial officials, with a complex of carved arches, ancient bridges, ponds and an abundance of fragrant greenery. For many centuries, these amazing landscape creations have been the decoration of the city and a source of inspiration for many people of art. And today the gardens are a great place for walks and photo shoots, their beauty is unique at any time of the year.
26. Giant Panda Research Nursery (Chengdu)
Giant pandas in a research nursery 10 km northeast of Chengdu city center
Giant pandas are not just a national treasure of the Celestial Empire, they are the favorites of the general public from all over the world. Cute and slightly clumsy bamboo bears can be seen a dozen kilometers from Chengdu city, in a special nursery. Here pandas are provided with conditions close to natural, and after the pets grow up and become independent, they are invariably released into the wild. You can watch funny bears all day, but they are particularly active in the morning. The nursery takes care not only of giant pandas, but also of some species of animals and birds in need of protection. Among them are the little panda, the white stork, the black—necked crane and dozens of other endangered species.
27. Longmen Cave Temples (Henan Province)
A general view of the caves from the Yihe River in the Chinese province of Henan
Statues of Buddhist deities in the Longmen Cave Temples in Henan Province
In the slopes of the Longmenshan and Xianshan mountains, right in the cave cavities, the third largest complex of Longmen cave temples is located. The first grottoes here were built back in the 5th century during the reign of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but the complex reached its greatest heyday in the Tang era, to which the bulk of the statues carved here belong. The figures of the Buddha and various Bodhisattvas are hollowed out right in the rocky firmament — it is difficult to imagine what titanic work it cost to create thousands of statues and images in stone. In total, the complex has about 2 thousand grottoes with 43 Buddhist temples, hundreds of thousands of religious images and thousands of different inscriptions.
28. Jumping Tiger Gorge (Yunnan Province)
View from the upper trail of the Leaping Tiger Gorge and mountains in southwestern China
In the south-west of the country, the waters of the Yangtze River flow through a beautiful canyon known as the Jumping Tiger Gorge. On this 15-kilometer stretch, where the river divides impressive mountain ranges with its waters about 5.5 km high, the gorge reaches its dizzying depth — about 3,900 meters, this is the largest canyon depth in the world. There is a legend that it was here that the tiger, running away from hunters, jumped over a stormy mountain river in its narrowest place — this story served as the basis for the name of the gorge. You can see the most beautiful places and admire the dizzying mountain panorama by choosing one of the proposed trails — for example, there is a trail for multi-day hiking and an option for a light car trip along the low coast.
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29. Rice terraces of Honghe Hani (Yunnan Province)
Honghe Hani Rice terraces on the slopes of the Ailao Mountains in Yuanyang County
As you move to the south of China, the sights acquire a shade of natural exoticism. For example, in the south of Yunnan province there is a man—made miracle that harmoniously fits into the natural landscape – these are rice terraces on a huge area of 16.6 thousand hectares. The unique creation appeared as a result of the titanic work that the local population has been doing for 1300 years, developing a unique masterpiece inch by inch. In general, rice cultivation in China has been practiced for 7 millennia. At that time, farmers discovered that rice cereals yield ten times more crops on flooded soils than on dry ones, and the inhabitants of mountainous areas had to adapt to the surrounding conditions — they began to transform the mountainous landscape, creating stepped fields and a complex system of channels that ensures the flow of spring waters to these territories.
30. Yungang Grottoes (Shanxi Province)
Buddhist statues in the niche of Yungang Cave Grotto, 16 km from Datong City, Shanxi Province Marcin Białek
Painted carvings and figures in one of the Yungang caves G41rn8
The top attractions in China include three monuments that are famous for their stone sculptures — these are the cave complexes of Longmen, Dunhuang and Yungang. Yungang grottoes stand out from the rest with their size, ancient history and, of course, well-preserved stone sculptures. This complex has 2.5 hundred man-made grottos with 50 thousand statues, but about fifty caves have survived in good condition. Most of these grottoes have an identical layout — rectangular rooms were cut down in the sandstone, with the exception of the central part. The rest of the stone, which had the shape of a column, was subsequently refined by carving a Buddha statue out of it. The stone carvings were painted, and to this day many elements have preserved fragments of paint.
31. Wudangshan Monasteries (Hubei Province)
The territory of the Taoist monastery on Mount Wudang in Hubei Province
In the Wudan Mountains, in a place belonging to Hubei Province, there is a complex of Taoist monasteries of Wudangshan. It was here that the Tai Chi chuan school, based on the rules of Taoism, was born during the Ming Dynasty. The grandiose architectural complex, the construction of which began in the 15th century, is located right on the slopes of the mountains in several levels. In fact, back in the 2nd century AD, these places served as a refuge for all those who fled from the hustle and bustle of the world and sought solitude, and it is believed that it was here that the monks first saw the swirling steam of life-giving energy “qi”. The structures erected on several mountain peaks numbered dozens of buildings stretching in a chain for 80 kilometers. Once an ancient Taoist university was located here, and the monastery complex was a center for teaching martial arts practitioners.
32. Three pagodas of the Chongsheng Temple (Yunnan Province)
A view from below of the ensemble of three pagodas of the Chongsheng Temple against the backdrop of the Cang Mountains near Dali city
The three pagodas located next to the Chongsheng Temple are known not only for their size and beauty — they are the oldest structures in southern China, perfectly preserved to the present day. They are located just a kilometer from the city of Dali, in an amazingly beautiful place, on the shore of Lake Erhai. This architectural complex, which was built over several centuries — from the 7th to the 10th century, consists of three large-scale structures located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Each of the pagodas is built of bricks and covered with white clay, on top of which there are paintings. One of them, about 70 meters high, was built earlier than the other two and has 16 levels. The other two were built about a century later than the first, have 10 tiers and a height of about 42 meters.
33. Mogao Caves (Gansu Province)
The entrance to the “Caves of a Thousand Buddhas” carved into the rocks above the Dachuan River in Gansu Province BetacommandBot
Fresco painting in Mogao caves scchoong123
One of the oldest Buddhist temples can be found on the slope of Mingshashan Mountain — a complex of 92 caves with Mogao temples representing the thousand-year history of Buddhist art. The temples were built on one of the borders of the Taklamakan desert, along which the Great Silk Road passed. And along with caravans carrying various goods, distributors of Buddhist teachings passed through the desert. The first temples of Mogao began to be built in the middle of the 4th century, when the monk Lezun wandered in these places. Under the slope of one of the mountains, he had an extraordinary vision in the form of thousands of sparkling Buddhas, and considering this vision a sign from above, he decided to carve a cave in the mountainside and turn it into a temple. Over time, more and more cave temples appeared here, and as Buddhist teachings spread, they turned into a famous place of pilgrimage.
34. Zhangjiajie National Park (Hunan Province)
Panoramic view of the cliffs and mountains in the colorful valley of Zhangjiajie National Park in Hunan Province
The best sights of China are not only ancient imperial palaces, ancient Buddhist temples or impressive skyscrapers of megacities. Beautiful landscapes and natural creations deserve no less attention — it’s worth seeing the beauty of picturesque corners of China, such as Zhangjiajie National Park. This place amazes the imagination with its fantastic landscapes, numerous rock formations, overgrown with forest, soaring upwards. In addition to the magnificent landscapes, the park reveals itself in another role — it is officially listed as a geological and botanical reserve, there is a zoo. Zhangjiajie is also known for the fact that the prototype of the beautiful soaring Pandora rocks from the acclaimed movie “Avatar” were local weathered sand and quartz rock formations up to 3 kilometers high.
35. Mount Taishan (Shandong Province)
Stone stairs to the top of Mount Taishan Charlie fong
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the sacred Taishan Mountain for the people of China: climbing it is not just a journey, it is a pilgrimage to the most valuable shrines of the country. If you believe the myths, the five mountains of China were created from the body of the Creator, and Taishan was the main one of them, since it was formed from the head of the supreme deity. Today there are two ways to climb the mountain: the first is on foot, the second is by bus or funicular. The second way is usually used by visiting tourists, and the first is local, mostly elderly people. Making a 7-kilometer ascent through 6,000 stone steps, they firmly believe that their pilgrimage will achieve the favor of the gods.
36. Reed Flute Cave (Guilin)
Stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates in neon lighting in the cave of the Reed Flute Bernt Rostad
All kinds of wonders of China can be found not only on its lands, but also underground: in the province of Guilin, in the bowels of a rock called Reed Flute, there is one of the most beautiful and impressive caves. The amazing underground world is transformed by soft neon lighting, which turns a journey into the bowels of the rock into a real fairy tale. It is believed that once there was an ocean on the site of the cave, but due to natural disasters, the water left, exposing bizarre mountains with fantastic gorges, crevasses, grottos and caves. Inside the cave, it’s like you’re in some kind of fantasy movie with extraordinary scenery. In addition to the bizarre formations of stalactites and stalagmites, you can see ancient rock inscriptions that supposedly belonged to the first Chinese.
37. Yangtze River Cruises (China)
Yangtze River Gorge Cruise in China Tuner tom
The Great Yangtze River is one of the largest waterways in China, and locals arrange extremely busy trips along the river on comfortable motor ships. A tour of the Yangtze waters, which takes 4-5 days, is a great opportunity to feel the true spirit of the Celestial Empire: enjoy the beauty of the landscapes of the coast, see the most valuable ancient monuments, visit protected areas and explore Chinese lands from a fundamentally new perspective. Perhaps all the most beautiful and unusual natural places are concentrated along this route — these are grandiose gorges, stormy waterfalls, places with ancient temples, where you can feel the local flavor like nowhere else. Next to China is the country of morning freshness – South Korea. While staying in China, think about visiting this country as well. Read about the sights of South Korea and get inspired for your further journey through Asia!