Countries that offer citizenship by birthright: basic rules and requirements

Countries that offer citizenship by birthright: basic rules and requirements

Страны, которые предлагают гражданство по праву рождения: основные правила и требования

Not all countries grant citizenship to children born on their territory. In some States, a number of requirements must be met, while others do not offer such an option at all. Find out which countries offer birthright citizenship.

Usually, newborn children receive citizenship either by the “right of blood” (“jus sanguinis”) – it depends on the citizenship of the parents, or by the “right of land” (“jus soli”) – depending on the country of birth. In the second case, the State immediately grants citizenship to all newborns without taking into account the citizenship of the parents. However, sometimes it is necessary to fulfill a number of additional requirements in advance.

In general, citizenship based on place of birth is granted in more than 64 countries around the world. However, in most of these States, a number of additional requirements must be met.

We will talk further about the specifics of acquiring citizenship based on the place of birth.

Citizenship by right of birth (jus soli) without additional requirements

When granting citizenship by birthright, it is necessary to take into account the nuances and requirements in the legislation of each country. Without additional requirements, all born children can obtain citizenship in the following States:

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pan Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, WithSaint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, USA, Uruguay and Venezuela

Interestingly, almost every nation that offers birthright citizenship is located in North or South America. Many scientists believe that this began in colonial times, when European countries, seeking to settle their settlements in the “New World”, introduced a more lenient and immigration-friendly citizenship policy.

Rules for obtaining citizenship “by right of birth” in the countries of North and South America

– In the USA Citizenship is granted to all children born in the country, without any additional requirements. On the basis of a certificate from the maternity hospital, the child receives a birth certificate, and later a passport. When the child turns 21, he will be able to obtain citizenship for his parents on the basis of family unification.

Canada It also grants citizenship to all children born in the territory of the state. To get a passport, you will only need a birth certificate and an application.

– Mexican citizenship all children born in the country receive it. On the basis of the birth of a child, Mexican citizenship can also be obtained by parents. To do this, you need to live in the country for at least 2 years and pass an exam in the Spanish language and the history of the state.

– Almost all South American countries grant citizenship of their state to a child immediately at birth. The only exception is Colombia, where at least one of the parents must have a residence permit in the state at the time of the child’s birth. But Peru grants citizenship to a child upon reaching his 18th birthday.

 – Children born in the Caribbean automatically become citizens of the State. Citizenship of these countries has a number of advantages: travel without a visa to the countries of the Schengen area and the UK, the opportunity to obtain a tourist visa to the USA for 10 years, benefits for admission to universities in the UK.

You will need health insurance to move, travel, or find employment in a new country safely. An extended policy can be issued on our website at the link.


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