Photographer and traveler Pavel Makarov told Bigpicce about the ghost town of Chiatura in Georgia, the main attraction of which is the numerous cable cars.
Chiatura is a mining town in Georgia, which houses dozens of operating and broken funiculars built in the 1950s. Previously, everyone thought that the city would prosper due to the huge reserves of ore and manganese. Over time, the city was forgotten, and now it’s a little hopeless there. Local residents are gradually moving away from there to other cities, leaving empty apartments.
A small town, modestly lost in the mountainous expanses of Georgia, so impressed the imagination of the traveler, photographer and founder of the TEG bureau, Pavel Makarov, that he spent several days in it, riding the main attraction of the city — numerous cable cars. Chiatura is a mining town located on two sides of the gorge, which houses dozens of operating and broken funiculars built in the 1950s.
The ghost town is literally permeated with the spirit of the Soviet era, dilapidated houses and a sense of hopelessness. But once, during the Soviet era, he was prophesied a great future – for the extraction of huge reserves of ore and manganese. Time is taking its toll, the city has been forgotten.