Will They Give A “Family Mortgage” If A Disabled Child Is Over 18 Years Old?

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The Ministry of Finance has tightened the conditions for a preferential “Family mortgage”.

Дадут Ли «Семейную Ипотеку», Если Ребенку-Инвалиду Больше 18 Лет?

Elena Molokova, a mortgage broker, PhD in Economics, explains how to apply for a loan to families who raise one or more disabled children.

Apartments in new buildings at a rate of up to 6% can be rented to borrowers who have at least one child up to and including 6 years old, two minor children over 7 years old and disabled children regardless of their age.

Families with a child under 6 years old can buy a “primary” or build a private house on preferential terms in any city in Russia. If there are two minor children over the age of 7, then you can choose objects according to the “family” only in cities that are included in the list of the Ministry of Finance (35 regions).

In addition, families with disabled children can take out a mortgage at 6%, and here the age restrictions are no longer so strict. The location of the purchased object will not matter in this case — you can buy an apartment or a house with preferences in any city in Russia.

“At the time of signing the contract, a disabled child must be no older than 18 years old, inclusive,” the interlocutor clarifies. — After the age of 18, such a person has the formal status of a disabled person, not a disabled child, and he no longer falls under the terms of the program. After the age of 18, you can have the status of a disabled person since childhood, but this is also not suitable for a family mortgage. A disabled child and a disabled person from childhood are not the same thing.”

Until July of this year, another important restriction was in effect: a disabled child must be born before December 31, 2023. The mortgage agreement on the family mortgage had to be concluded before December 31, 2027. But under current conditions, the “Family mortgage” for all families was extended until December 31, 2030. The date of birth restriction was also lifted.


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