IPG.Estate: A warehouse was handed over in the Lomonosovsky Industrial Park

Beautiful field of blooming sunflowers under a sunny sky

IPG.Estate: В индустриальном парке «Ломоносовский» сдали склад

A distributor of premium animal feed rented a 1,500 sq.m warehouse in Maly Karlino on the territory of the Lomonosovsky Industrial Park. IPG consulting company acted as the broker of the transaction.Estate.

IP Lomonosovsky – the new industrial park offers its residents premises for warehouses and production facilities, both for rent and ownership. The project is located in the Lomonosov district of the Leningrad region in the village of Maloe Karlino.

Due to the change in supply chains, the client was looking for a new location for a warehouse and a packing line. The company needed high-quality premises and prompt conclusion of a lease agreement in order to transport the goods as quickly as possible and get to work.

As a result of the search, a lease agreement was concluded for a building with an area of 1,500 sq.m. The warehouse in the Lomonosovsky Industrial Park fully meets the technical requirements of the tenant, and the management company organized the preparation of the premises and relocation as soon as possible.

Margarita Chugaeva, Senior Consultant, IPG Warehouse and Industrial Real Estate Department.Estate:

“Our client made the decision to rent immediately after the first viewing and got access to the premises as soon as possible and immediately started work. The Lomonosovsky Industrial Park offers a universal product that meets the demand of the market.”

Источник: ipg-estate.ru

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