The Russian spoke about the restrictions in North Korea that struck him

Rossiyanin rasskazal o porazivshih ego ogranichenijah v Severnoj Koree - man standing with backdrop of North Korea.

The Russian said that only tourists can use the Internet in the DPRK

Россиянин рассказал о поразивших его ограничениях в Северной Корее

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna / RIA Novosti

Russian tourist Dmitry Gordeev visited North Korea and spoke about the restrictions that struck him in one of the most closed countries in the world. He said this in an interview with Mir 24.

The traveler called the trip to the DPRK one of the most striking in recent times. First of all, he drew attention to the fact that residents of the DPRK do not have Internet, but there is an internal network for a small number of resources. “For example, they have some kind of marketplaces,” he explained. — But this is an inside story. As for access to the global network, this option is available only for tourists.” At the same time, according to the compatriot, you can use the Internet for only 15 minutes a day.

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Dmitry also noted that at the time of his stay in the DPRK, apart from a group of tourists from Russia, there were no other travelers in the country. “There are 26 million North Koreans and 76 or 78 Russians,— he added. — We were the only tourists in our huge 38-storey hotel. It is located on the peninsula.”

The Russian noted that the hotel was located in a fairly closed area, it was impossible to go beyond it just like that. Moreover, the tourist was surprised by the almost complete absence of cars on the streets. This is because only organizations can own cars.

Despite all these difficulties, the interlocutor of the publication stressed that North Korea is very much waiting for guests from Russia and generally loves our country.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the first group tours to North Korea, which is one of the most closed countries in the world, in the summer of 2024. He announced this following talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.


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