The gasification of the suburban SNTS begins!

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Начинается газификация подмосковных СНТ!

The news that the SNT was included in the free dogasification program was an unexpected and very pleasant surprise for our summer residents.

It’s a small matter to understand what to do now and how much it will cost to spend the pleasure of blue fuel in a garden house.


The social gasification program has been running in the country since 2021. If a main pipe is carried out in settlements, then neighboring villages, individual housing construction (IHS) and private housing can carry gas to the boundaries of the land plot for free. Houses in garden and garden cottage associations located in such settlements were excluded from the social program. Gas could be brought to the borders of the SNT, but the cost of laying pipes to the sites fell on the shoulders of the owners and reached up to 1 million rubles.

Everything changed on the last day of February, when, during the announcement of the message to the Federal Assembly, the president stood up for gardeners: “People have been tending their land plots for years, sometimes from generation to generation, and now they are building houses there in which they can live all year round. But millions of families cannot connect to gas networks, because the buildings located in garden associations are not covered by the gasification program.” The Head of State announced that the gasification program will be extended to garden non-profit partnerships (SNTS) located within the boundaries of already gasified settlements. There are about 80 thousand of them in the country, and for 15 million people this decision has become truly revolutionary. People have been waiting for him for a long time.

Начинается газификация подмосковных СНТ!


State programs, including gasification, require financing – in any case, someone must pay for the work on carrying gas to the boundaries of the garden plot. So far, this has been paid for mainly by a Single gasification Operator (a division of Gazprom), as well as through preferential government loans and funds from regional gas distribution organizations. It is clear that the inclusion of the SNT in the pre-gasification program will require an increase in costs and the solution of this issue will probably also take some time.

It should also be understood that the inclusion of the SNT in the social gasification program does not mean that you can connect to the gas in the SNT absolutely for free. Work to the boundaries of the site is free, yes, but for the wiring of the gas pipeline along the site and in the house you will need to pay from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. You will also have to spend money on equipment – a boiler, pipes, batteries. According to the most conservative estimates, about 300 thousand rubles will be spent on a single-storey house with an area of 100 “squares”.


The resources of the pre-gasification operators are limited, so even the settlements already included in the program are waiting for their turn. In order not to miss the moment, find out about the conditions and timing of gas supply in your regions of the Russian Federation.

But there is good news for gardeners in the Moscow region: the authorities of the Moscow region have launched social gasification for the SNT. You can already submit an application, documents and sign a contract. Another good news: the authorities of the Moscow region have removed from the mandatory criteria to be met by the SNT applying for gasification, a distance of up to 200 meters from the existing gas pipeline and the volume of gas consumption in one section of no more than 7 cubic meters /hour. In other words, now it does not matter how far from the pipe the country house is located, and strict requirements are not imposed on the number of cubes consumed.

Начинается газификация подмосковных СНТ!

The most important thing! The SNT must be located within the boundaries of a gasified settlement. If there is no gas in the village, but there are plans for its gasification this year, summer residents can already apply. All information is available on the portal of the unified All-Russian gasification operator and on the website .

A list of documents, scans of which must be attached to the application: SNILS of the owner of the house; a document confirming ownership of the land; a document confirming ownership of the household; a situational plan (a graphic diagram with marked boundaries of the site, buildings, etc.), which is ordered at the “State Services” or at the MFC; minutes of the general meeting of members SNT (a sample is available on the Mosoblgaz website).

It is necessary to attach to the application not only scans of the listed documents, but also the minutes of the general meeting of the members of the SNT on consent to gasification. If the cottager’s house is located within the boundaries of gardening, but the owner of the house is not a member of the SNT, he can also apply for social gasification and simply skip this item in the list.

The application is submitted through Gosuslugi or in your personal account after registration on the website .

Special conditions apply to beneficiaries. The state compensates for expenses, but within a certain amount, and each region has its own. The irony is that the compensation payment will not always cover the costs. Beneficiaries of the Moscow region (the full list is publicly available), for whom free work inside the site and gas equipment worth up to 80 thousand rubles are provided, can apply only for “Public Services”.

Neither in terms of time nor price does the social gasification of the SNT differ in any way from the similar gasification of any other localities. The pipe will be brought to the boundaries of the household for free, then the cost of work will depend on how far the house is located from the fence and what set of equipment the owner will install.

Keep in mind that connecting gas is not a quick process. Get ready for the fact that after signing a contract with a gas supply company, it may take six months or more. Mosoblgaz always performs the first stage of connection, and other stages can be ordered from third-party contractors, however, acceptance of work and gas start-up will still be done by Mosoblgaz.

Начинается газификация подмосковных СНТ!

Elena Khakimova



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