The audience’s access to the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in France will be limited

Доступ зрителей на церемонию открытия летней Олимпиады во Франции ограничат

The Summer Olympic Games will be held in France from July 26 to August 11, 2024. The authorities of this country decided to restrict the access of spectators to the opening ceremony, which will take place in Paris: instead of the previously announced 600 thousand, 326 thousand people will be able to see it, the French edition of Libération reports. This will damage the image of the Olympics, as it was previously advertised as a Game open to all. Such a significant – almost twofold – decrease in the number of viewers is caused by security reasons. Other measures will be taken: on the day of the start of the Games, airspace will be closed within a radius of 150 kilometers from Paris, so anyone who is going to fly to France at the end of July should check the information about their flight with the airline.

For the first time in history, the opening of the Olympics will not be held at the stadium. The main venue for the ceremony will be the Seine River, where the parade of participants will take place – they will sail 6 kilometers on about a hundred ships across the city to Trocadero Square. It is planned to place the spectators in the stands built on the embankments. Tickets for good seats were sold at a price of 2,700 euros.

You can also watch the opening day from the windows of the houses located on the embankment. The Paris administration has estimated that about 200 thousand lucky people will have such a privilege.


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