Russians were informed about one disaster in Egyptian hotels, which few people know about

Россиянам сообщили об одной напасти в отелях Египта, о которой мало кто знает

Domestic tourists planning holidays in Egypt often underestimate the attack, which few people know about, and travel agents do not warn at all. We are talking about local mosquitoes and midges. At the same time, bloodsuckers become a serious problem in spring and autumn.

As the Zen channel “You can Go” explained, these insects, which are usually associated with Asian countries, annoy vacationers in subtropical Egypt. “It would seem that flies and mosquitoes are a trifle, but in Egypt this is a real and serious problem,” the message said. In summer, the heat does not allow insects to survive, and in winter they are blown away by a cold wind, but in spring and autumn they become a real disaster.

On beaches, midges become a source of discomfort, because they sit on the body and crawl over the skin. In the evening, the situation is aggravated by mosquitoes, which, despite their small size, can bite unnoticeably, especially in open areas and in rooms with slightly open windows. “It’s just like that gopher – you don’t see it, but it’s there,” the author of the article ironically said. “Wherever you are, someone is constantly trying to bite you.”

There are really a lot of flies, mosquitoes and midges in Egypt during the off-season. This is due to the fact that humidity rises at these times of the year, and temperatures are more moderate. These are favorable conditions for the reproduction of insects. This is especially true in areas near water. However, itching and irritation are not the worst thing. It was clarified that these flying birds can be carriers of various infections, including malaria and parasitic diseases. 

To protect against this natural scourge, there are several simple recommendations:

  1. Use special mosquito repellents in the form of a spray or gel, which can be purchased locally at an affordable price. This is especially true in the evening and at night, when insect activity increases.
  2. When choosing a hotel, it is important to make sure that there is a fumigator in the room, as well as pay attention to how the hotel fights insects. For example, regular fumigation of the territory and the use of special lamps help to significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes and flies.

For those who value a healthy lifestyle, we recommend reading: “Calcium intake and absorption: how much it needs per day for good health.”


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