On the evening of May 4, the schedule of Aeroexpress trains will change

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Вечером 4 мая изменится график движения поездов

In the evening of May 4, in connection with planned work on the railway, the schedule of Aeroexpress trains to Sheremetyevo airport and back will change, the official Telegram channel of Aeroexpress reports. All passengers planning trips at this time are advised to check the schedule immediately before traveling.

Only on May 4, 2024, from 20:00, the train interval will be extended. The last Aeroexpress train from Sheremetyevo Airport will depart at 21:14, and to the airport from Belorussky railway Station – at 23:45. During a break in train traffic, you can get to the air harbor by express buses that depart from the Khovrino metro station. These shuttles run daily every 10 minutes from 05:10 am to 23:40 towards the airport and from 05:55 am to 00:25 from the airport. The trip along the entire route lasts approximately 20 minutes.

You can check the train schedule and get additional information on the official Aeroexpress website, in the mobile application of this company, by calling the hotline 8-800-700-33-77 (for calls from regions of Russia and from mobile phones) and 8-495-663-84-10 (for calls from Moscow) and from Aeroexpress employees working in terminals.


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