How to evict a neighbor with rats and cockroaches

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Как выселить соседа с крысами и тараканами

In Ozersk, a blind grandmother bred rats, which she considered mongooses, and in Rostov-on-Don, a man got a pig and turned the lives of neighbors into hell.

Rostov residents are suing a neighbor who got a pig in an ordinary apartment in a standard nine-story building, or rather, a minipig. But it turned out to be no less screeching and stinking. Residents of the house in the Krasny Aksai residential complex have been suffering since the autumn of last year. The man first assured the neighbors that the unpleasant odors would disappear as soon as he accustomed a new pet to the tray. However, pig got caught poorly trained. But the owner has already become attached to his piglet and does not want to part with it.

And the neighbors, in turn, do not want to “enjoy” the daily aromas of the pigsty. They have already filed a collective complaint with the administration, but to no avail. Officials did not find any facts of mistreatment of the minipig and threw up their hands. Now the neighbors have cooperated and gone to court.

And in the city of Ozersk, a story recently thundered about an old woman who bred huge rats in a high-rise building. The pensioner has poor eyesight. And she tried to assure everyone that they were not rats, but mongooses. And also assured the neighbors of the complete safety of their “pets”. Meanwhile, the rats found loopholes and began to prowl to the neighbors. And gradually they filled the whole house, because they multiply quickly. And the floor covered with rat droppings in the apartment of the “mongoose breeder” causes legitimate concerns among neighbors in the cultivation of unsanitary conditions: “After the rats, we will have cockroaches.”

What should the neighbors do with such animal lovers, from whom the rest of the residents have no rest? Where should I contact?

Lawyer Alexander Goryunov says that the neighbors will have to follow a certain procedure if they want to fix the problem or even achieve the relocation of a restless neighbor with animals.

– First, we need to call specialists from the State Housing Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor, who will conduct an examination of the apartment for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, – the lawyer advised. – According to the results of the examination, the owner of the apartment will be ordered to eliminate all existing problems. If this is not done, the neighbors with this expertise in their hands can file a class action lawsuit. The court will make a decision on non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, which endangers the safety of the residents of this house. They may even evict a tenant for systematically violating sanitary rules and disturbing other neighbors.

Oleg Pavlov.



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