A tourist dissatisfied with the music attacked a DJ and hit him with a stool at a European resort

Displeased tourist attacking DJ with a stool at a European resort.

A tourist dissatisfied with the music attacked a DJ in Mallorca and hit him with a stool

Недовольный музыкой турист напал на диджея и ударил его табуретом на курорте Европы

Photo: Davide Zanin Photography / Shutterstock / Fotodom

A German tourist, dissatisfied with the choice of music in a club, attacked a DJ in Spanish Majorca. The details of the story were shared by the local Majorca Daily Bulletin.

It is clarified that the incident occurred in September 2022, but the court has sentenced the man only now. A German vacationing in one of the establishments of the European resort of El Arenal had a fight with a DJ and began to insist on changing the track. When the club employee refused to do this, the tourist hit him on the head with a metal stool. After that, the man lost consciousness, he was taken to the hospital and stitches were applied. The police arrived at the scene and arrested the aggressive guest.

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According to the source, initially the prosecutor’s office demanded a three-year sentence for the defendant. However, the parties to the conflict managed to conclude an agreement, and as a result, the tourist was obliged to pay compensation to the victim in the amount of 1,200 euros (about 114 thousand rubles) and a fine of 900 euros (about 85.7 thousand rubles).

In June, a British tourist got into a fight outside a nightclub in Spain and was stabbed. The man quarreled with a group of foreigners from North Africa and the Dominican Republic and was seriously injured, he could not be saved.


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